Do not exceed the limits

in blog •  5 years ago 

"And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, You may eat of every tree in the garden; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat; for in the day that you eat of it, you will surely die."

Genesis 2: 16-17


The limits are not to be crossed. It is what Adam and Eve did not understand and what we do not understand today. That is why sin was like wildfire for all humanity and infested the world with diseases, poverty, misery, misfortune, enmities.

But God sent his Son to the world to save him and that through the cross put a limit to sin, give healing to the sick, prosperity to the poor, grace for everyone who believes him and befriend man with man and man with God.

It is for our own benefit that God set limits. Let us put limits on our children and teach them that if they are crossed the one who will suffer is himself. Limits are commandments that we must obey whether we like it or not.

God always lets us choose, or his commandments or as it seems to us, but after all there are consequences. If we act in the parameters of God our consequence is a blessing instead if we act in ours the consequences are a curse. Don't overstep the bounds. Avoid infringements in your life, bad decisions are paid dearly.

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