G+ Reshare 1/2: Prelude to a Matter of Disclosure

in blog •  6 years ago  (edited)

As the title of this post suggests I mean for this post of mine to be a prelude to an intended subsequent post of mine titled A Matter of Disclosure, which is a post addressing my anticipated activity here at G+ as well as on the internet for social purposes as a whole in 2019 next year. But before I make that post I just thought I'd relate this little story to do with my encounter late yesterday with a public institution here in Australia known as the Australian Broadcasting Corporation - abbreviated trademark ABC - which is the publicly funded national broadcaster of television, radio and internet in Australia.

My purpose is just to provide some insight to my overall general dynamics living here in Australia which are mostly confined to the upper stratosphere of society where I may be far removed from the general thrust and parry endemic to societies lowly educated and lowly intelligent rabble - flakes and freaks - but that doesn't mean my world is made of honey blossom, sunshine and dew drops. In fact, my world is the most brutal of any level of society because we mean to permanently hurt whenever someone acts or behaves in a disapproving manner that is deemed not to be in accordance with standard protocols. None of which will come as any surprise to long time regular viewers of my profile as this attitude has been detectable of me ever since my first day here at G+, which I obviously played down initially even though I openly admitted I had only come to this godforsaken dull social media site to gloat about having tricked some psychopath into deleting his own precious blogs.

The essence of my story, in part, has to do with the current momentous events going on in Australia to do with the prime ministerial leadership challenge regarding Malcolm Turnbull, which I related in my previous post. But the main essence of my story has to do with how I maintain a policy of minimal engagement with Australian society in general as a whole due to its ever devolving societal standards, which are only suitable to subhuman flakes, freaks and Third World invaders. So, my story: yesterday evening I was watching an ABC News YouTube video depicting Malcolm Turnbull standing at a podium at the Australian Parliament addressing the nation for which I decided to post a comment which would lead to me making two other comments in response to the comments of other people posting comments resulting in my second response being censored/shadow banned. Of course, this is not an uncommon occurrence on JewTube if you post comments not in agreement with their twisted views on reality. The difference, of course, in this instance is ABC News is an Australian Government public funded institution governed by a whole different set of standards to anything the filthy Jews would maintain amongst which is censorship is forbidden.

All of which prompted me to write the following complaint to the ABC last night before bed:

First name: Penelope
Surname: Avamour
Email: ********

Location: ****
Response Required: Yes
Program: ABC News
Program Date: 23/08/2018
ABC Service\Network: ABC Online
ABC Recipient: Audience & Consumer Affairs
Subject: Online Censorship
Your Comments: To whom it may concern,

Everyone in Australia knows the ABC is a leftest rag organisation more reflective of a cesspool of flakes and freaks than a national broadcaster, even so, deliberately censoring comments made on YouTube by Australia's finest and brightest is not something I am prepared to let your despicable organisation get away with unchallenged, especially when the subject matter has to do with the Prime Minister and Opposition Leader, as I'm just the type of person to send each of them a copy of my complaint about your organisation.

I made a comment on this video your organisation uploaded to YouTube on 23/8/18:

Malcolm Turnbull video

Which read:

"Turnbull is a Jewish Zionist shill who should have been assassinated long before now."

Which attracted this response from WE_NEGAN_NOW:

"I would have gone for Goldman Sachs shill."

Which had me respond:

"Well, he does have that unique distinction but that kind of infers if not for his employment with them he would be kind of an okay guy when the reality is most Australian politicians are Jewish Zionist shills especially Shorten who is a puppet - just like Gillard and Hawke were - of the Victorian Jewish Lobby."

Which had someone by the name of ian pennack respond:

"The stench around Malcolm Turnbull is unbearable if you understand how the Super Wealthy thieve their fortunes from humanity. No western government creates their own currency, anymore. It is all created by the Rothschild Banking Mafia, at no cost to themselves. They pay no royalties to any government for this absurd privilege. They control all reserve banks of the western world. The Reserve Bank of Australia in Martin Place Sydney is a private entity with "NO AUDIT", or any government supervision of any monies printed, or created by computer. Malcolm Turnbull picked up 200 million while at Goldman Sacks and the answer is obvious, He was an insider on the manipulations of the stock market. He must go, and the Government Banks be reinstated.."

Which had me respond:

"The greatest travesty is Australia's sons and daughters along with the sons and daughters of Britain, Canada, New Zealand and the USA fought and died in two world wars to secure the future for these Jewish controlled international banking cartels that are now bleeding the peoples of the English speaking world dry like a ravenous vampire."

Except my last comment was censored/shadow banned thereby rendering it invisible to the public.

I would like an explanation - asap - why your organisation is censoring historically accurate academic information about Australia.

If not from you, then, maybe the Prime Minister and Opposition Leader themselves.

Yours patiently,

Penelope Avamour
ABC News.jpg

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