G+ Reshare 2/2: Further Prelude to a Matter of Disclosure

in blog •  6 years ago  (edited)

An inexcusable failing of the cosmetic industry is it is still not possible in 2018 for a woman like me to purchase an off-the-shelf ready to wear aromatic perfume that doubles as a lethal nerve agent when activated killing everybody at the function I've been obliged to attend in less than the time it takes me to finish my initial glass of champagne, as I'm usually wanting to go home about then.

Presently in the United States of America they are mourning the tragic death of Mollie Tibbetts, a 20-year-old Iowa student who had been missing for a month and was found dead on August 21. A twenty-four-year-old illegal immigrant by the name of Cristhian Bahena-Rivera has been charged with her murder. Of course, not everyone in the USA is mourning her loss as there are quite a few white males celebrating her death due to the fact it has been discovered Mollie tweeted 'I hate white people' on her Twitter account, which she tweeted quite some time ago in relation to a US Senate race in her state being contested between an African American male and a White American male.

A few days ago I published on my YouTube channel a video depicting an edited version of the grand opening of the 2014 Victoria's Secret Opening Season Extravaganza Fashion Show held in London, which is one of the most supreme annual gala events in women's fashion for which I titled Daughters of the Reich. I actually had some white male who it would appear identifies in some way with Adolf Hitler, National Socialism and the Third Reich post the following two comments for which he received subsequent endorsements:

1: I believe those models, although beautiful, sport those winged costumes as a symbol of Baphomet. The 3rd Reich was not fond of sexualizing woman to that degree of exhibitionism as well.

2: +Penelope Avamour cat-walk shows promote debauchery, which is what the Jew wants to destroy the nuclear family they despise so much within Our communities.

Yesterday, I watched a video on The Red Elephants - Video Link - YouTube channel about Mollie Tibbetts and immediately afterwards went searching for the It didn't take long to find out where all the lowly intelligent white male trailer park trash are hanging out thread as it is a standard feature of every YouTube channel promoting White identity, which I find both astounding as well as hysterical. All of which I broached in my post titled Excalibur - Lady of the Lake - Castration. A woman on the same thread I posted my above comment wrote:

Tears of Soy: Bullshit!

Women didn't bring Jews, blacks, and other races into our lives. We didn't start the Federal Reserve or the Military Industrial Complex.

See, white boys love the heebs with all their heart and have been doing their bidding forever. They even fought and died in wars to protect the heebs but NEVER did that for their own women and children.

White women and children are the most sought after to be trafficked and that's been going on for centuries . The heebs have been trafficking white women forever and still do it in Israel.

See, nothing makes the white boy happier than watching white women and children being raped and murdered by the muds when it's not him doing it.

You need to google the Kalergi plan and Albert Pikes Morals and dogma.

Stop being so heebie, even they don't hate their own women who brought them into this world as much as white men hate theirs even though white men have always been disloyal throughout history and always left them in harms way.

She is perfectly correct.

The White Male - except for the twelve years of the Third Reich - has been nothing more than a cowardly pathetic stupid beast of burden for the Jews, who, now want to blame women for their plight further revealing just how genetically inferior are the majority of white males as no real man would ever make the asinine statement of how women should never have been given the right to vote because it is now all women's fault. The only thing the Jews haven't done in exposition of themselves since 911 is land a Thunderbird 2 type spacecraft on the Moon carrying a pod of automated excavating machinery to carve out a huge menorah on the Moon's surface that is visible from Earth, which has the words Jews Did 911 written underneath. The only thing more pathetic than a white male wanting to blame women are white people who like to virtue signal they're above thinking the Jews are pieces of shit without realising the only thing worse than the Jews are all the other ethnicities who believe the Jews bullshit.

As one of the most beautiful and intelligent women ever born to this world living in a gormless chickenshit idiot country like Australia I am well used to the remote isolation depicted by the two embracing lovers standing on a hilltop with the Moon in the background in the graphic below. A reason for me continuing to post here at G+ in 2018 has been to gauge the exact dimensions of that remote isolation for which I've discovered is truly vast.
Moon - Jews Did 911.jpg

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