The problem with choice

in blog •  7 years ago  (edited)

Choices, choices everywhere...

I have a problem. It is insignificant and a silly problem to have. I feel like it is a problem that everyone has at some stage.

That problem is choice.


Let me explain. For a long time, I have always enjoyed creating things. I’ve created things with my hands, with my words and even my voice. In the past I have enjoyed putting my creations out into the world and seeing the reaction. Having a good reaction is, well, good. Having a negative reaction can make you feel not so great but it becomes a learning experience. As I have become older, I have definitely learned to take constructive criticism as a positive part of growth and change. I have never really been afraid to try and fail at things because succeed or fail, it can be a learning experience.

Now to the problem at hand. I am at a point in life that I am finding a new roadblock when it comes to choices. Time. I have less and less time to persue the things that I might like to try. As such, I never try anything new at all. I have come to fear wasting my precious time on. A result of this is that I don’t try anything new. I stick with the things that I am comfortable with.

Identifying the trouble


I thank my lucky stars that I live in the age of the internet. A quick search engine result leads me to the psychology of my issue and many, many solutions to the problem. Like most things, identifying the problems is the start to finding a solution. When I look at myself, I can see one of my greatest weaknesses. I get easily distracted. Not for lack of trying to focus on the task at hand. I think it stems a little bit from boredom.

Weakness can be a strength

Let’s see if I can channel this distraction.

This is going to be a year of trials and collaborations. I have always wanted to try blogging, Video making, Podcasting, creative writing, cooking and fitness. 2018 is the year. Thankfully, I have Steemit. After poking around the site for a few days I have found some awesome places to give these a go. I’m going to try all these things out. Take a scattershot approach. Perhaps by doing this, I can find something that I truly love and enjoy spending time doing. Hopefully along the way I can be a little entertaining too.

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Good post man. Sometimes you need to give yourself a jolt and put yourself out of your comfort zone. That's where personal growth lies.