RE: When a High Pressure Salesman Shakes Hands with a Lunatic in Disguise

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When a High Pressure Salesman Shakes Hands with a Lunatic in Disguise

in blog •  9 years ago 

My car was on it's last leg and it could barely change lanes without fishtailing, they said it had something to do with control arms and a host of other parts that went bad long ago.
As I slowly pulled in all of the car salesmen turned toward me, others began racing out the doors in my direction.
With a forceful enthusiasm he said “Can I help you find anything,” My mind began to race, I wanted to tell him to fuck off, but my fear of confrontation got the best of me and I cowardly said “no.”
He asked me if I knew how to drive a stick and I said yes, so he began telling me how great this truck is and that we should go on a test drive.
The next thing I knew I was pulling a massive 4 door truck into traffic, I was having a little trouble with shifting gears and that embarrassing grinding noise reared it's ugly head.
He then asked me weird questions like “can you feel that ride?” and then he would answer his own question with more questions “smooth huh?” But then the moment of truth arrived, he began asking me to make a left, so we could turn around.
At that point I realized I had been staring at the shifter for some time, my right hand shoved it forward and then back over and over as it kept making that terrible sound, grinding parts of the truck away.
I wanted to show that I am like an onion and there is much more to me than just some guy that can't change gears and has a tendency to lose the road, I thought that maybe I could convey all this with my impeccable driving skills.
I remembered that this was probably a traumatic experience for him and I began to feel bad, but then I felt righteous indignation, that maybe he will think twice before he pressures someone else into a test drive after they have already said no.

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I am very confused