Good morning Steemit

in blog •  7 years ago 

This morning, the sun was coming through the mist. It'll be a lovely day.

Header sunrise

I'm sorry this post is a bit late. We played some Guild Wars 2 this morning! We started with the new expansion yesterday evening, when it was just released. Things were a bit troublesome though, with random disconnects and having to re-do some things. This morning, it was a lot more stable.

I will talk more about the Guild Wars 2 expansion in its own post, so I won't bore non-gamers with it too much here.

Yesterday was pretty uneventful during the day. I did some steeming, vacuuming and watched a bit of Netflix. Got into an argument with a plagiarist again and wrote a post about plagiarists who do mention their source.

By the end of the afternoon, I started making dinner. My mum was coming over, but didn't have a lot of time, so I made sure dinner was ready by the time she got here. It was her first day of the new course she's taking. She enjoyed it and it was in a nice location she said.

I wanted to share the recipe for this dinner, because it's really tasty. However, after having made it three to four times already, I still don't have a proper picture. Once dinner was ready yesterday, ofcourse I forgot about it again... So no recipe yet!

Today, we'll have to do some groceries. Besides that, we'll probably do more Guild Wars 2! Oh, and archery ofcourse, we should do archery on this sunny day.

I have to wash my hair. I've had to wash my hair for the last few days... It's just that all we have right now is a bath tub with a lose hose, so washing my hair is quite annoying. I need my boyfriend's help to hold the hose for me while I wash it and I get cold. It's very annoying! Gotta get a shower quickly!

Oh my gosh, and my hands are so cold. I'll stop typing now.

Have a good day!

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Good morning, and I wish you a jolly Saturday!

So what class are you using now?

I'm playing necromancer :-)


nice my friend 😍always be happy and keep it up😍