Good morning Steemit

in blog •  7 years ago 

I was planning a different kind of post, but things didn't go as planned.

Header sunrise

See, I was going to make my own lip balm. I've done it once before and it turned out really good. My mum also used it and she told me she was all out a couple of weeks ago. So I promised her I'd make new tubes soon.

I wanted to do that this morning, but then I remembered I hadn't cleaned the new tubes I got yet. Oops!

So instead of making lip balm, I just spend some time peeling off annoying stickers from the tubes I ordered off of AliExpress and then cleaning them. I then proceeded to cleaning the kitchen, since I was there anyway.

These will be sticky tubes, because the stickers didn't want to co-operate! Oh well, it's homemade, so it doesn't have to be perfect. As long as the lipbalm itself works. I have to wait for the tubes to dry before I can make the lip balm and I'm not sure I'll manage to do that before the end of this morning. So mum will probably have to wait a little while longer.

This afternoon, we'll head over to my old city to sign the sales agreement for my house. Three days after that, the sale will basically be final and I just have to wait for the date where I actually sign everything over, which is at the end of may.

Afterwards, since we're in the neighbourhood anyway, we'll head over to my mum for dinner, after which we'll drive back home to the cabin.

Yesterday I spend quite some time creating a few new designs for my Vida shop. By the evening, I had sold something there again! None of my new designs though, no it was yet another one of the pillows of which I had already sold 3 before! I wonder if all of these sales are from the same person, or if it's three seperate people buying them (sold two in one order last time). Oh well, no matter!

I like the product they bought. I think it looks pretty good and am glad they agree! I uploaded the same design in a different color yesterday and will probably do some other colors for it aswell. Later.

So, my dream house is under bidding! Meaning I lost my chance of buying it. This morning, I went hunting online for a new dream house. I found one. It's situated on a bungalow park, but you're allowed to live there year-round. It's small though, but hey, I figured we can do without a big dining table. If people want to come and have dinner with us, they'll just have to come visit in the summer so we can sit outside! This house doesn't need any fixing up, so that's a bonus. With park costs added, it'll be around (or a little under) the monthly price I calculated for the previous dreamhouse. Without the extra startup costs.

Oh well, I'll show it to my boyfriend and we'll see. Probably gotta act fast on this one if we do want it. We'll see what we decide on.

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Your lip balm sounds intriguing. Will you be making a post about how you do it? 😁

I wonder if all of these sales are from the same person, or if it's three seperate people buying them

This is exactly why I moved away from platforms that don't give you your customer's details! 😁 Congratulations on another sale though. That's great!

Sounds like there is not shortage of dream homes in your area. That's good to know!

Have fun in the rest of your day! 😊

Your lip balm sounds intriguing. Will you be making a post about how you do it?

I definitely will! Just gotta wait until I actually make it, so I can take pictures :D

This is exactly why I moved away from platforms that don't give you your customer's details! 😁 Congratulations on another sale though. That's great!

Thank you very much :D

Sounds like there is not shortage of dream homes in your area. That's good to know!

Well, most are in really boring, populated places, so I feel I got kinda lucky to find these two for an affordable price. With the fast moving housing market though, I'm afraid I won't get the chance to even see this house before it gets sold. Oh well, everything supposedly happens for a reason, right? My disappointments during the previous house hunt turned out alright in the end :-)

Have a good day!

I have every confidence you will find your dream house when you're ready to jump! 😁

Not only your mom has to wait but me too! 🤗 Id love to know how you make your own lipbalm @playfulfoodie!!

Not only your mom has to wait but me too!

Aww, I know, I'm so sorry! I promise I'll make them soon and take pictures to share it all here :D

Looking forward @playfulfoodie!! Hope youre having a great weekend 🤗

Im curious how you are going to do it making the lip balm?

(And if it doesnt spoil what is in the tube)
Looking forward to the endproduct!

I'll definitely share the process soon once I make them!

When making your own cosmetics, supposedly adding water usually make it spoil easier. This lip balm doesn't use water and I guess that helps a lot with the spoiling thing. I'm still using the balm I made over half a year ago, but that was my first time making it, so I can't say much about keeping times longer than that yet :-)

Half a year is very good though! By that time it will be finished already anyways ;)

Exactly! :D

Boo on the no lip balm post! c; But you're on your way by cleaning the tubes! That's good that another item in your shop sold. I was hanging out with a friend that makes designs and sells them using Patreon. She says that the artist makes a larger cut, but I'm not sure.

LOL at least your pillow design is popping off. I would want matching pillows, but I think it is separate people since the orders didn't come in on the same day.

Dream house shopping huh? Buying a place you don't have to fix is definitely a plus. I also hope to buy my dream house one day, but properties out here are all unholy types of expensive.

Everyday a productive day, yes you!!!~ <3

I'm so sorry! I'll post the lip balm process soonish :D

Hmm, I thought Patreon was only for donations. Good point either way though, maybe I should make better use of my Patreon page!

I would want matching pillows, but I think it is separate people since the orders didn't come in on the same day.

Exactly! I can understand the order for two, but the two orders for one pillow are a little weird to me :D

Buying a place you don't have to fix is definitely a plus. I also hope to buy my dream house one day, but properties out here are all unholy types of expensive.

Aye, we don't have many funds to fix it up right now, because I want to spend those funds on helping my boyfriend out with his loan.

I hope you get your dream house one day! Prices fluctuate, so hopefully there'll be a dip for you to buy. We've been in an upwards spiral lately. Great for selling my house, less great for buying a new one ;-)

Oh I might be mistaken about Patreon in that case. Lookikg at more ways to earn from home, time to broaden my adventures. I can't wait to see the lip balm post! :3

That's very nice of you to help him with his loans. My bills are your bills, you guys have a strong relationship c:

And I hope I can. I've lived in other places before but I don't want to move away from home. I don't think there are places fpr under 1 mil here, but nothing is impossible.

Thank you for the well wishes ♡

Hi @playfulfoodie. It was sad that you couldn't buy the first dream house you are eyeing but hope you'll be able to get your second choice this time around. Can't wait to see your future dream house :)

These will be sticky tubes, because the stickers didn't want to co-operate! Oh well, it's homemade

lol probably what everyone thinks, when its homemade and going to be use within the family, we don't need the package to be fancy we just need it to work it purpose and good luck with your new dream house hope you get it

Thanks @otemzi! :D

Hi @otemzi, I like your Profile Photo :) I assume you love one piece too :)

Yes yes a big fan and you

I am a fan too :)

Nice you follow up on the manga or just anime

Just the anime :)

Want a spoiler?

About what happens next

Oh let me hear it. I've been reading a lot of spoilers. I would love to hear(read) one from you :)