Good afternoon Steemit

in blog •  7 years ago 

It's nice and warm inside the cabin today.

Header sunrise

We've been having a bit warmer weather these last two days, basically above 0 degrees Celsius and not a lot of wind. That makes all the difference in trying to warm up the cabin. I now have enough heat to share to make our kitchen and bedroom warm aswell.

Anyway, I've not been doing many interesting things. I've watched a lot of Netflix. I finished watching Reign, which I'm pretty sad about. Then, I finished 3% and I'm still not sure how to feel about that show. I generally don't like non-English shows, because I'll have to pay more attention by reading everything that's being said.

I'm now watching Rotten, which talks about the food industry. They show a few interesting things and talk about a couple of horrible people who care only for profit. I guess there are plenty of those on this world, right? Nothing too surprising, but there is this one part about a chicken farmer who didn't stick to all of the rules of his buyer, so his buyer cut him loose. He then apparently went on to killing hundreds of thousands of chickens from other farmers.

Who does that? I mean, sure, be annoyed by your buyer, but why ruin the lifes of innocent co-workers and waste all of these chickens for nothing? Slaughtering animals is bad enough, but them getting eaten is atleast better than them dying for no reason at all.

Well, I'm on the last episode now, about fishing, but I'm not too interested in this right now. Maybe I'll watch more of it later.

Oh, so yesterday, my boyfriend called his sister to ask how her baby was doing. She had been pretty sick, but is getting better now. He got to talk to our little nephew aswell, and the first thing he heared was that he wanted to go see me! So after my boyfriend told him "Yeah, me too!", he said we'll probably come visit in the evening.

So, we visited them yesterday evening! We'll see them again tomorrow, but first, we'll go to my home and clean up a bit. I'll see if the mail man found our mail slot in the door aswell...

In other news, we bought a bottle of limoncello a little while ago. I never had it before, and wanted to have it so I could try a few recipes. I think I'll go and try to make something with it today.

And with that, I'll end this story! Hope you're all doing well!

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

You have to watch these two documentaries as well. They are also about the food industry and you will find them very interesting.

I enjoyed reading your post and thank you for sharing :)

It hit 50F here today. Before we've been hovering in the negatives (both in F and in C). Sorry I don't know the C conversion for 50, maybe it's around 10C?

That is what google says :D

Good afternoon also @playfulfoodie your passion through a beautiful day . ^^

the people who only think about money without measuring the consequences of their actions are the worst, I have seen documentaries before about the raising of animals and it is true that there are many very cruel grangeros with them, when you think about it in my case I can lose my appetite; As some people say, we are happy in ignorance.

So beautiful picture @playfulfoodie

Thank you :-)

excellent photography I love! @playfulfoodie

Thank you :D