Good morning Steemit

in blog •  7 years ago 

The dishwasher is hard at work, laundry is ready to be cleaned, and I am playing Black Desert Online.

For a little while atleast. I just showered and it makes my eyes very dry, so I don't think I'll be staring at the screen for too long. Gotta remember to blink...

So yesterday, I told you I wanted to eat healthier. I went to the shop and bought healthy food, meaning veggies and such. Basically, nothing processed. This was my lunch yesterday:


It was very yummy and will be my lunch again today! However, it did not really fill me up until dinner time, so I decided I needed to make something with the buckwheat flour I bought. After browsing the internet for some ideas (nearly everything holds sugar!), I decided I would agree on the cookies, but not on the sugar and chocolate. I made savory cookies instead! They turned out very crumbly, but very tasty, so I'll be sharing that easy recipe at some point.

Dinner was... well what we had left, plus broccoli... meaning broccoli with cheese, a store-bought fish oven dish and rice with nuts and coconut milk. I had also made icecream for dessert with fruit and coconut milk. Today, dinner will be different. It'll hold lots of veggies, goat cheese and quinoa. Never tried this recipe before, so I'm curious how it'll turn out. I'm pretty sure my boyfriend will sigh when reading this and call it 'hippie food'.

Anyway, today in Black Desert, I'm training my golden horse:


Nothing special about this guy, except that he looks like gold. He's actually a pretty low tier horse too. I'm not sure why I bother, except that I still don't have a tier 5 male horse to breed with my now four tier 5 females. Oh well!

I really need to write up some recipe posts. I've got plenty to share by now, I just don't take the time to write them. I'm losing my inspiration for writing here it seems. We'll see how long that will last. I don't really want to force myself either. To be completely honest, this place doesn't pay well enough to start considering it a job, so I should take a step back and give myself a break.

Still, recipe articles help me in more ways than one. Besides Steemit, I also post them on my Wordpress blog eventually. Posting them there makes it easy for me to find my recipes again, so it's really a nice way to save my recipes. Steemit isn't, I'm sure we all know what a pain it is to try and scroll back through previous posts, without even being able to filter them by topic...

Anyway, I think the dishwasher is done, so I'm going to start laundry and grab myself some breakfast.

Have a good day!

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But it's weekend! Doesn't your boyfriend ,who sounds like a reall boss, deserve a good weekend meal...with ehm let's say meat! I'm pretty sure he would like that...instead of hippy food!

Hmm... did I forget to mention the chicken?

Delicia me ha hecho dar hambre esta rica y nutritiva comida 100% natural vegetal nutrientes mas idonesos para el ser humano!

Gracias por compartir Señorita @playfulfoodie

Thank you very much for your comment @wasgyo! Google translate tells me you approve of this healthy food :D


good morning :) I am not into games but this one has horses which seems fun.. I am sure if I started that I would not get anything done .. lol .. good stress relief I bet. I tried cooking something the other day and took photos it turned out ok... I never posted about it . thanks for your posts I enjoy them.

Hmm, the horse training can be done without much interference for the player. I train them when I want to do other things online :-)
What did you cook?

Lounaasi näyttää kyllä hyvin herkulliselta, mikä on minusta vielä tärkeämpää kuin terveellisyys. Toivottavasti arvostat tätäkin mahdollisuutta käyttää googlen kääntäjää ;)

Sorry about that :) I'd recommend all broccoli to be eaten either fresh or really lightly steamed. This is just my opinion though.

Haha more google translate adventures! Yes, it has to look good too! Look good, taste good, be healthy :D

Do you eat your broccoli raw, without warming it at all? I'm so used to cooking all of my veggies (well, most of them), so I never know what I can eat raw and if it's any good.

I hated broccoli for years, but when I tasted raw broccoli when I was adult I fell in love with it. I bought a few broccolis and ate them juts like that. Now I'm a moderate user of broccoli but I prefer them raw :)

Hmm, well good to know you can just eat them raw! I should check out some recipes for that :-)

hey, what is the green ball sliced in multiple strips?

It is avocado :D

you're avocado is quite too small compared to our avocado here in Philippines.I assume that is a whole avocado.
You eat those like that?Don't they taste kind of bitter?We usually crush em and mix em with milk and ice.I have never tried it eating just like that.

It was the smallest one of the bunch :-)

I eat it like this, or with some salmon or scrambled eggs. Sometimes mixed in a salad. It doesn't really taste bitter, though I do prefer mixing them with something else. I simply didn't feel like a complicated lunch, so it was fine like this :D

Here, what you would call a 'hip meal' is something that can be cooked with just hot water...hahahaha..

I love the food looks like, But I'm not a fan of vegetables so I still confused if it will taste good for me XD

Haha, fair enough! Veggies are so good for you though, try it :D