Good morning Steemit

in blog •  7 years ago 

How are you today?

I feel cold. Well, my hands are cold. I just remembered we still have to get a fire going. My sweet boyfriend will go and grab some wood soon and start that fire for us.

Yesterday, we went to my old house to go and grab some stuff for here. We have yet to move over most things and with my small car, we can't take much, but we weren't able to borrow a different one this time. No problem, I wanted to go over either way!

We took a small cabinet with us and filled up a couple of bags. It was rainy the whole day, so we didn't get to do any work on the garden sadly. Gotta go back to do that another day. We also forgot to empty the fridge, so that's still plugged in. We'll try to get an appointment with a real estate agent soon, so we can go over and empty the fridge aswell on that day.

On our way back, we stopped at McDonalds for lunch. They have the big french fries again, so I'm happy! I always hated the tiny, thin fries there, so I'm glad they have the bigger ones on the menu. So I had those and I also had a carrot cake!


The Mc we went to has a little counter with all sorts of sweetness and I really wanted to try it one day. Yesterday was the day! I did not expect much, but I was happily surprised by how tasty and moist this cake was!

I should not have tried it. That's yet another temptation to resist in the future!

Oh well, so we went back home and unpacked. We then cleared up the kitchen a bit and put down the cabinet. More room to put my stuff on! We had also brought back my food processor and it fit perfectly next to my bread machine.


I'm really happy we managed to bring these things back with us. That's one more plan made reality! Now all of my baking equipment have a good place.

I still have many more plans, but the cabinets that are still back at my old home are too big for my small car. They'll have to wait for a while.

After all of that, I checked my mail and saw that my glasses were ready! So we took a little detour to the groceries and picked up the new glasses. It's not a major difference, but I do feel that they help a little bit more than my previous ones. I'd show you, but my new phone's camera is too good and my hair's a mess. So... later!

After coming home from groceries, we were so tired. We played Guild Wars 2 for a little while and then my boyfriend's best friend came over. We did some archery and we made dinner. Basically, taco filling on a tortilla, because I find taco's to be too messy to eat. It was very tasty!

Then, we re-watched many episodes of The IT Crowd. Gosh I love that show! We had a fire going aswell, so it was nice and warm. Eventually, I started dozing off a bit while the guys were still watching. So after he left I went to bed half asleep already.

This morning, I've got my tea, drank my lemon water and we are making a bread. I'll do some curating, after which we'll play more Guild Wars 2. I think today will be a day heavy on gaming, which is just fine by me!

Have a good day!

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Looks like slowly but surely your getting there ! I don't like the weather this time of year so much , its cold and damp here at night ! At least when it snows its warmer and not so wet !! Steem on !!💕💕💕👍👍👍

Yeah, we'll get there eventually! I don't really like all the water and wind from this time of year, but atleast it's not too cold yet. I'm really wondering how cold it will be in this cabin during winter. Glad to have some extra blankets ready!

Steem on!

Yes ! Best to be prepared instead of waiting till its to late ! LOL! Stay dry and warm my friend !👍👍👍💕

I almost feel awkward peering into the details of your life like so. But I noticed that you up-voted my Jack fruit super food post, so I decided to stop by from one stemian foodie to another. I'm not a big fan of McDonalds in the States, but In other parts of the world they are serving up some really tasty treats like that carrot cake. In Ecuador they have some real cool things too, like empanadas. Here in Thailand they even serve chicken fried rice!

Seems like you have a real cool life. I'm friends with @heyitshass and another from the Netherlands. Along my travels I've met many from that part of the world. All great people! Up-votted and will be following. Have a great day and stay warm! -Dan

Hi there Dan, how nice of you to stop by! Yeah, I never really visited McDonalds a lot, but my boyfriend enjoys their food from time to time, so we stop there for lunch occasionally after working on one of our houses (I swear we're going back to simply one home though! Just gotta get these sold...). They didn't used to have many treats like these and many still don't, but I'm glad this one does! I'm also happy for the thicker fries, so I can have a nice lunch there aswell. The chicken fried rice sounds good and very much not McDonalds-like!

I'm happy with my life now, though I'm not sure where I'm going with it anymore. Got some plans, but going back into full-time IT jobs doesn't seem to be a good idea anymore. I've got time to figure things out though :D

Traveling the world sounds amazing! I'd love to do that. I can't wait to be rid of both of our houses, so we'll have money to spare for vacations. Would love to visit foreign countries again and take many cool pictures :-)

Have a good day!

What a lovely sincere reply. Your proof evident of the incredibly community we have here on Steemit. So happy to be following you now. So interesting how you talk about your life and houses. I too had a big house, swimming pool, saab convertable, big screen TVs, bar, pool table, and garage FULL of "stuff".

I found myself totally miserable and working like a dog to "maintain" all my crap.

I found success young. I'm 35 now and what I tell you above I was about 22.

I sold EVERYTHING! And all my belongings can now fit in my backpack. I've been traveling and living how I do for over 10 years now living on investments and a budget of under 1,000 dollars a month. I had an apartment in Vlcabamba Ecuador furnished all utilities and WIFI included for 190 dollars a month! Organic local food cost me about 30 dollars a week! I watch my money grow and have a better quality of life for 1/10 what it was costing me in the states and haven't even worked in since I was like 24. I just do what I love and that's see the world and seek out the best deals as I do so.

I'm now in Thailand. I've had such deals as 7.50 cent private bungalows at beach front resorts last month in Ko Pha Ngan Thailand. I just left Bangkok, my place had a gym, pool, and even a bubble bath tub in my room for 15 dollars a night.

So you really blew my mind to see you write about your stresses with owning property. I've been there and done that and will never do it again. I wish you all the success in the world simplifying your life and freeing it up at the same time.

Yes McDonalds has it's reputation and there bigger fries can't be beat, but I always get kick out of how they adapt to the country they set up shop in.

Wishing you an excellent day! I'll be sure to check in with you from time to time.

Your new Steemit friend,

-Dan "World Travel Pro!"

Wow, that sounds like an amazing journey you're on! Mine is a little less adventurous I'm afraid. I bought my current old house when I was in dire need of a new place. My rental at the time was above a man who had way too much noise during the night. I couldn't do anything about it, so I wanted to get out of there asap. There's years of waiting lists for rentals, so I decided to buy. It's in a crappy neighbourhood, but the house itself is nice and with a (too) big garden around it. Then, I met my current boyfriend.

He married young, divorced young and has a house with a crappy mortgage. He'll end up with a debt, but it's better than holding onto the house. His father has a big property and he build a big shed. Part is store space and part is living space. The last tennant just moved out and we moved in! We can live here for pretty cheap, so now we want to sell both of our houses.

My boyfriend has a full-time job and even though I'd love to travel the world like you do, he wouldn't want to. So instead, we'll stay here in the cabin, he'll pay off his debt and we'll be able to save up quite well after our houses are sold. We'll finally be able to go on long vacations! I'm looking forward to it so very much!

It's a choice between my boyfriend and living that life you live and honestly, I wouldn't want to live it alone anyway. So it's no choice at all really. I'll get to see the world through vacations instead :-)

I'm sure we'll eventually have to find a new place to live and I'd much rather buy a property which will eventually be mine, instead of renting one for the same price, after which you end up with nothing. But hey, atleast we'll only have one home to worry about then ;-)

Have a great day and thank you for sharing your story. It's inspiring!

I'm glad you enjoyed some of the details that made me who I am. This life is not for everyone. It's my first time traveling alone. I always had a girlfriend. But I'm enjoying traveling alone a lot more than I thought I would. Every decision is mine at any given moment, and I meet a lot more people being a solo traveler too.

Yes for most it's best to own, as you say rent leaves you with nothing in the end. But at the same time, owning leave you in charge of the upkeep, but often that isn't a big deal. Did you mention, a boyfriend in debt! Yikes, I'm sure he'll dig himself out of that hole sooner than later. I've never been a fan of debt and was so relieved to pay off my mortgage and leave that situation behind me.

I think that's a great deal you have at his father's now that the tennants are gone. I used to rent rooms in my house to help pay the bills after the roof needed to be replaced and the pool pump blew. It was far from ideal.

Anyway I see many long vacations in your future, until then you can keep on eye on my blog and many other's who travel to get some good ideas. I Have enjoyed getting to know you and looking forward to continuing to do so. I'll certainly be in-touch! -Dan

It's also already really cold and rainy here, but well, I still love fall more then all the other seasons:)
P.S. And it's a good time for IT-crowd under a warm blanket;) It's so sad for me that this series is so short, I used to love it a lot

We've had a lot of cold and rainy days here aswell lately. Lots of wind too! I don't like that about fall, but I do really like the colored leaves :-)

Yeah, I'm really sad that this series is so short aswell! I loved it and was so happy to see the little extra long episode when they released it a few years later. Still not enough though.

Now I pray that the Big Bang theory will last as long as possible:)

Oh yes, me too! I've watched every single episode and seen most many times. I love that show :-)

I went really far in it lol:)

Haha oh wow, that's so awesome :D

I wish I had the same apartment as Leonard and Sheldon do:) It looks really convenient, plus their bath is so much bigger then mine, urrrgh:)

Oh yes, I really like the open kitchen space! I don't like the shower curtain though... I much prefer a shower cabin :-)


Woooh, carrot cake!

So yummy!

McCafe's carrot cakes?

McCafe is what it's called huh? I didn't remember the name :D
They haven't added these counter to every McDonalds here, but this one did have it. Now I want to taste all of the sweets there!

Yeah they're not in every McDonalds branch. I believe they have red velvet cakes as well. :P

Ooh I didn't see those yesterday, gonna pay extra attention to that next time :D

Do have more fruit-full days ahead.

Sounds like a good plan :D

Woah, your mcdonalds have carrot cakes? Jeez, I'm jealous. All of the Micky D's in my area suck and only have pies and ice cream, lol. Enjoy your gaming :P

Most don't sadly, but I think it's a newish concept, so I hope they'll add it to more of their restaurants! :D

Thank you very much! Do you have gaming on the menu today?

I hope so too, because I would love some actual desert options instead of just the same basic 3 items that pretty much all fast food places sell, haha.

I actually just got done playing a game, I'm probably going to go to sleep here soon and rest up. I spent a lot of time yesterday morning writing, and then like 8 or 9 hours on a game today. I probably should take a break for the rest of Sunday, lol.

Aah but don't we play games to relax? ;-)

Not when said game raises your blood pressure, lol. I've been taking time to play games for fun so I can relax and also review them on here, then I've also been playing Fortnite. The most aggravating yet addicting game that I have touched, haha.

Haha that's true!
I've seen you reviewing many games indeed! I really like them :-)

Thank you so much for saying that! One of the main reasons why I like writing the reviews out so much on here is that people sometimes actually find them useful for finding something new to try or enjoy them in someway :) Gonna keep on reviewing games until I run out of things to play, haha!

And, I am serious when I say that game is addicting. I spent over 11 hours playing it non stop the other day. I haven't done that with a game since I was a kid, lol.

Sounds great! I've had that with WvW in Guild Wars 2 for quite a while.