Foodie on vacation - part 2

in blog •  7 years ago 

Good morning everyone! I'm writing from our little cottage again.

Let me start by saying this: The weather is so awesome! Sure, there's a little bit of rain now and then, but oh my gosh the temperature! It's so much better than a week or so ago. Yesterday, we actually sat outside for a while. In our coats ofcourse, it's not summer yet, but still.


We sat outside on a bench near the center for about half an hour and I wasn't cold at all. What a delight!

So I had to take some pictures, since I always forget to take pictures of us and I had a good hair day.


You can see how seriously my boyfriend took it.

So this was after we went to the center just the two of us where we drank a cocktail. It was one of the things my boyfriend was looking forward to when coming here: a pina colada cocktail!

Our family ran into us when they went for a swim and told us they left grandma alone, so we decided to head back over to their cottage to keep her company. We had a nice dinner with everyone and then, they all wanted to watch the finale of this show we don't watch. So my boyfriend and I decided to take my grandmother with us to the center for a drink, since she didn't watch that show either.

We arrived there and part of the center was packed with people. There was some kind of show. We headed to the cafe area and it was practically empty! So we sat down and enjoyed the peace and quiet over cocktails and coffee for my grandmother. We weren't able to stay for long, since they were about to close for the night, so we headed back to the cottage.

The tv show had just finished when we arrived back there and after dropping off my grandmother, we headed back to our own cottage. I was too tired to sit with company. So we got ready for bed and watched some tv from bed before sleeping.

This morning, we went back to the family for breakfast and they told us some of them had stayed up until 2:30 in the morning! Oh my gosh, I can't even imagine! We all had breakfast together and then we broke apart into little groups to do whatever we wanted. We went back to our cottage, because I wanted to write this post before doing anything else.

I think we'll head back over to the center soon, though maybe back to the family first. We're going out for dinner tonight, which was a bit of a surprise to me! We usually get french fries for the last evening. Now, we're going to have dinner at the grill, so that should be extra yummy!

Tomorrow, we'll pack up and leave after breakfast. I think my boyfriend and I will stick around in the center for a while longer and maybe have lunch before heading back home. We'll see what we feel like.

P.S.: Don't worry, I'm not ignoring replies, I'm just waiting to reply until I'm back home at my pc, because my notebook is way too slow.

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. Thanks for the the post.

Like to read simple minemalistic blog.

Nice couple you look like a good match and hope the personally match also i guess so.

Im doing some of the same thing on my blog but also write about some crypto gaming and addiction.

Will follow you and hope to hear more about your trip.

Where are you at?

Are you American? Im Norwegian!

Thank you :-)

Yes, personalities match perfectly, we are very lucky!

I'm Dutch! Never been to Norway. Closest I got was Sweden. Norway is still on my list of places I want to see!

Cool. Tell me ut you go. Been to Amsterdam couple times:D

You spent a good times :) yea always it depend on the weather , here in Berlin today is 16c so its awesome to see ppl moving around and make some activities outside finally

Sounds like you had a lot of fun. It is still snow weather here and I miss the warmth of the sun. Wishing you safe travels.
P.S. I always take advatage of good hair days because it is mostly a good hat day for me lol

Finally a little warmer so that you can really enjoy time with your boyfriend and family. That's fantastic! When I'm cold or have to pee, I literally can't do anything xD I love Pinacoladas and Mojitos as well.

Enjoy your last day as best as you can and I'll see ya when you get back! <3

Thanks @shello <3

I had a mojito once, but I didn't like it at all! I don't know if it was a bad mojito or the taste just isn't for me. I tried re-creating the pina colada at home and it was horrible! Glad we visit center parks from time to time, so I can drink them there :D

You and your boyfriend are really enjoying your self,
dont forget me 😂 @playfulfoidie

You two look alike. ;)

waaww .. beautiful in this fun day

Absolutely amazing and also great photography

Thank you.

Very good

Wonderful blog sis 💕

We wish you always to be happy @playfulfoodie

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  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment