I need a new computer

in blog •  8 years ago 

That's normal after 6-7 years, right?

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My computer has been annoying me to no end since last year. First there were the random crashes within half an hour after booting. Even after a couple of re-installs, this continued to happen. I had to eliminate certain applications from my computer and pray the thing would stop crashing. This resulted in me no longer having Photoshop or Lightroom installed.

I need Photoshop and Lighroom for my pictures.

Then came the failed updates. My Windows 10 just cannot get through its update, no matter what I do. I've tried a troubleshoot and fix kinda program, which was a standard Windows thing. I've retried multiple times (forced, because turning off certain updates is not what Microsoft wants us to do). I've also deleted all of the downloaded updates, forcing it to re-download, hoping it was just some corrupted file. It wasn't. So now I can't keep my pc up to date.

I like my pc up to date.

The latest problem added is the random and constant crashes of the game Ark. Now I know this game has its issues and isn't really the most stable game. However, I still prefer being able to play it without having to restart it a couple of times, before it is stable-ish. Again, I have tried many things the interwebz has told me to try. Edit settings, run in low memory setting, repair the game, use special boot options, the list goes on.

I'm a gamer, my pc needs to be able to run games.

So with these annoyances in mind, minor at first, huge after about a year, I really want a new pc. I have pictures on my camera gathering dust, because I'm unable to properly process them. I want to work on my new pictures, so I can start regaining some of my photography experience and skills. I want this very badly, but it's just not going to happen with this pc.

The problem is it doesn't feel right to buy a new pc now. We have a lot of uncertainty going on. I don't have a job right now and am unable to accept good jobs, because of this [insert curses here] burnout. We have a plan that will allow us to live quite cheaply, but this plan relies on my boyfriend's way too expensive house getting sold (curse his witch of an ex for sucking him dry). It will hopefully hit the market next month (we both don't have the energy to work on it a lot), but it has to actually get sold aswell. If our plans work out, my house also needs to get sold later this year. I don't feel that's a problem and I've been smart about this house, meaning I'll be able to pay off the mortgage and have some to spare aswell. It's just that they actually need to sell. Until then, there's uncertainty.

I'm just not sure I can wait that much longer. I use this pc every day. I need one that works properly. It needs to do the things that are important to me. Did I mention how important processing my pictures is?

I've always been good with my money. I've always saved up, I don't have many expensive hobbies. I don't smoke, I don't go out and drink, I have no expensive memberships to pay for. I have savings. It's so I would never have money troubles and so I could buy expensive things when I do need to or want to. It's for vacations, for new computers. In these uncertain times though, it's hard to spend this money, even though they are my savings. I guess I jumped into saving mode, because of the uncertainty.

I need to get over it though. It's my money that I've worked hard for and I've been smart about. I have never squandered it. I need this new pc to progress! So I'm going to get a new pc, no matter how weird it feels to do so right now.

Now I just need to know what to put in it... I've been letting my technical knowledge slide a lot these last years, so I'm no expert anymore on computery parts and which ones are good. I know the ones I need, I just don't know which ones...

So to all you techy Steemians, what do I need to put in my pc for gaming and photo processing?

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If you want something decent for games and photoshop get a pc with an i5 or i7 and throw in a GTX1060 Or 1070. I would do 16gb of Ram, but 8 will get you by and make sure you get dual channel memory. If you really want a decent budget pc get a i3 7100 or 7300 and throw in a GTX 1050TI. You can also wait for AMD Ryzen 5 which should be out in less than a week or Ryzen7 now if you want something higher end. I get away with Adobe lighroom for my photos along with the open source program gimp. You can also check out nik collection(photo editing) from google they used to charge $150 for it but now its free

Thank you so much for this information! I will definitely go for 16gb of ram this time and go for i5 or i7 (i3 would be a downgrade).
I've been using Krita as a Photoshop replacement, but it doesn't handle the raw format well. The Lightroom and Photoshop combination was perfect for that. I'm going to check out this Nik collection thing. Hadn't heard of that before!

Your biggest help will be the video card, GTX1070 has 8GB of ram built in and a 1060 has a 6gb version I would go with over the 3gb version

Ooh great! I will definitely check that out. Keeping in mind the built in ram. Thank you so much :D

Software-wise, have you tried Darktable for photo edits? It's a digital darkroom software similar to Adobe Lightroom, but free. I use it all the time. I also like digiKam, but it has its quirks.

Hmm I never heard of either of them. Darktable seems to be a linux thing, so I'll have to check how to use it for Windows. I will start with checking out DigiKam!
Thanks for the suggestions :D

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Oh, I just assumed you were using Linux because you mentioned many of the software that was originally made for Linux. :) (Krita, Gimp)

Not betting Darktable works on Windows at all as they've targeted Linux and OSX only, but there is something called LightZone that also works in Windows.

The people behind digiKam on the other hand say this about Windows:

"Be careful as digiKam is not as stable under Windows as under Linux because of some bugs in the underlying KDE Software Collection libraries that digiKam depends on."

I knew Gimp was for Linux, but seeing as it was free and also edited for Windows, I figured I'd give it a shot. I didn't know Krita was originally for Linux... I like it, because it has all the shortcuts I was used to from Photoshop!

It's a logical assumption to make that I was using Linux! :-)

I'll check out LightZone aswell. I tried digiKam yesterday and so far, it's working fine. I see some things I was used to from Lightroom and I'm just exploring all the options. I liked doing finishing touches in Photoshop, but I'll do without that for now.

DigiKam atleast helps me work on the pictures that were gathering dust, so I'm very happy about that, thank you so much!

here's a first try. Used a special effect thingy on this, but that was the best I could get out of an otherwise mediocre image :-)

Let me start by saying congrats on saving. It is hard for most to do. As for your current PC have you tested the ram? Ram can cause a bunch of unexplained issues with a pc. But if a new computer is warranted it fits within the time frame. If you are building yourself a desktop pc (which is what I would recommend). AMD is coming out with the Ryzen 5 which maybe a good option for you. BUT WAIT FOR THE REVIEWS! Sorry for yelling. It is just really new tech. But you could do the safe but little expensive route. Intel i5 8g ram 500ish GB SSD as well as a 2 or 4tb secondary Hard drive. pcpartpicker.com is a great resource for building a pc. Good luck any path you choose.

Thank you. I am so happy with the information you provided. Honestly, processors have always been a bit of a mystery to me. With ram and hard drives it's a bit easier to decide.

I haven't tested the ram in my current pc yet. I might just have to look into that for now... thanks for that suggestion!

Your welcome. Processors can be tricky. That is why I said wait for the reviews of Ryzen 5 April 11 is the release date I believe.. But dont qoute me on it. https://www.howtogeek.com/260813/how-to-test-your-computers-ram-for-problems/ . Think this is the easiest way to test ram. There are better ways. Or the other option is just replace it a see if it goes away. If it passes the test the other option could be failing power supply. I would not think it is the power supply but you really never know.

Hah, I had just followed the advice in that article :-) it didn't result in any problems. The annoying thing is, as long as I don't play Ark, things seem okay. As long as I don't install Photoshop/Lightroom, things seem okay. I'm not sure if it's either of those applications causing trouble, because I'm afraid to try again. I don't feel like re-installing Windows yet again... I hate when problems are this vague!

I'll check out the Ryzen 5 news! Replacing a pc after 6-7 years that's in use basically every day seems warranted anyways...
