Playful Foodie's ramblings

in blog •  7 years ago 

Oops, I skipped a few days, didn't I?

It's been a busy couple of days, so I barely used the computer this week. Besides that, it takes a couple of hours for the woodstove to warm up the house enough to be able to do anything with the pc.

So, first things first: I'm trying out another title for my random posts! Basically because of @thatgermandude's comment:

Sorry for not keeping up I was busy and I think you always with the title "Dear Steemians" kinda threw me off. I am expecting bad things when someone starts with "Dear ..." :D.

He has a point, right? So, new title!

What were the last things I told you about? I think it was all Christmas-related things with food an family. Yes! So the day after that, we did nothing. My boyfriend had to be available for work calls if the IT helpdesk was needed, so we couldn't go out anyway. To balance Christmas food, we ate plenty of veggies that day:


The day after that, we went to the city!


We first went to the cinema to watch the latest Star Wars movie. We saw the previous one together aswell, which was the first time we met in real life, so we had to watch this one in the cinema too!


My boyfriend didn't feel too great, but luckily, that passed during the movie. That was a very good thing, because...


Our plans were sushi after the movie! Sushi lunch, which is cheaper than dinner, but tastes great nonetheless!


I think I've shared most of these sushi-type pictures before, though they are all taken at different times. They always look the same, because we always order stuff like this:


I also love the mushrooms though!


So that was a great day out! The day after (yesterday) was a busy day aswell, but I'll tell you about that later. First, I need to take some pictures to accompany that story.

How are you all doing? Do you still have some time off, or do you have to work inbetween Christmas and New Years?

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that's a good looking sushi cone! wouldn't mind trying one of those some time

Oh yes, they are quite tasty! I sometimes find the nori hard to bite off, but this time it was perfect :D

  1. Ginger ale always helps with a stomach ache, and is probably THE BEST soda to combine with sushi. Good choice.
  2. Wood burning stove? My cousins have one of those. Warms the place up AND makes it smell great if you use the right wood. Super jealous. I hope you keep the pipe clean, though. Maintenance is key with those things.
  3. Solid, solid beard on your bf.
  1. Yeah, I figured ginger ale was a safe choice! I used to go for fresh mint tea with honey, but that always makes me feel super crap when I have it with dinner, so sadly, I can't do that anymore.
  2. Yeah, the woodstove is the only source of heating here in our cabin. I don't know much about the cleaning, but luckily, my boyfriend's dad does, since he uses one aswell.
  3. I showed your comment to my bf and he said "I don't know who that guy is, but I like him!" ;-)

Have been working in between Christmas and new year. Nothing much on my angle as i have alot to cover. @playfulfoodie i see you enjoying yourself thanks To God as for the pics they are just too awesome as this is the first time am seeing your boyfriend face so cute

He has a point. :cP

How about giving it a name like a series?

'Played to Taste - ' or 'Tastefully Played - ' or even 'A Play on Taste - ' followed by a few words summing up your message for the day. ^_^

Example: 'Played To Taste - Titled Ponderings From Christmas to Sushi!'

That sushi looks delicious by the way. Really looking forward to tomorrow. ^_~

All the best for the new year! :cP

Aah that's a good idea aswell! Thanks for that :D
Though, I'm worried my lack of creativity for titles might come in an ruin it ;-)

Maybe I'll just go back to the regular "Good morning/afternoon/evening Steemit" title and just stop forcing myself to write every morning!

That is also an idea. ;c) You are free to use whatever protocol you wish - or even none at all.

And bad titles can and will happen. You will find something that works for you. :c) You can call it your 'Today's Update - dd/mm/yyyy' if you so choose - and this will free up that feeling of being obliged to post at any time of day - or even every day at that.

Happy New Year. :c)

Very true! Actually, come to think of it, that's what I'm missing in the Steemit blogs. The exact date the post was written! Maybe they'll add that info some day :D

Happy new year!

hehe, I am happy to see my comment had some impact, however I still think your old title "Good Morning Steemit" was more fitting, because your posts are a little bit more uplifting, even when you posted about your broken boiler and all the problems with your new house, listening to those daily life struggles is quite refreshing compared to all the rambling about Crypto and Politics you encounter here.

But hey, don't mind me being triggered by words like "Dear" and "rambling". As long as I am aware that it is your regular blog, I will check it out when ever I want something down to earth ;).

Yeaaah maybe I should go back to the old title. The problem was that I posted every single day and I didn't enjoy that anymore. But hey, I can always write "Good afternoon Steemit" and skip days aswell! After all, it was just a thing I forced myself to do in the end. The title doesn't matter :D

I'm happy to hear you enjoy my blogs as a nice little change from the rest!

you really enjoy. The food looks so tasty! Have a good day ♥

Amazing post with some delicious food photography!!

wow~!!! Nice to meet you.