So far so good

in blog •  6 years ago  (edited)

I had my job interview yesterday!

Header sunrise

It went okay, I think the job could fit me and I think I would also be a fitting candidate. I got a call back later that day and they are going to show my cv to two other co-workers on tuesday. They'll decide if they like what they see. If not, it's a no. If yes, I'll have to go in for another interview.

So, all I can do is wait for now! They also want to call someone who used to work with me to learn more about me. Never had that before in an interview! So I'll have to get in touch with an ex co-worker to ask if they're okay with receiving a call like that.

Well, that's the short update! I'm very uninspired to write a long post today it seems.

Let's see, fillers... what am I doing today?

We'll do groceries today (exciting stuff!), we'll also go out for dinner today. I'm having the hardest time deciding on where to go for dinner. We narrowed it down to the pretty town close-by and seeing as they are a very touristy kinda town, they have plenty of restaurants to choose from. I think I found one to my liking though. I'll try to remember to take pictures, but might just forget all about it.

Tomorrow is amusement park day with my sisters in law and our little nephew. That'll be fun!

I think I'll go play Heroes of Might and Magic 7 now...

Have a good day!

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My own image used as a header for my blog posts.

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Best of luck with your application! I also feel it is quite rare that they call a reference. But I understand that depending on the company it is rather a rule than an exception.