The adventures of yesterday - My poor, little car

in blog •  8 years ago 

Our busy weekend did not turn out quite how we had hoped.

Header sunrise

This whole month has been filled up with many birthdays and family gatherings. This weekend is no exception. On saturday, my boyfriend's father was celebrating his birthday. On sunday, there's a family dinner to celebrate my grandmother's birthday.

It's sunday morning now and saturday did not go quite as planned. See, we had wanted to visit my boyfriend's father in the afternoon and stay until the evening, when the actual party was being held. We wanted to go early, because there were some things we wanted to talk to him about, without 30 other people in the room. I was also very excited to do some bow shooting, before the evening.

So at two in the afternoon, we put my bow case in the trunk, got in the car, and started driving. Everything was fine and we pulled up on the highway. After a couple of minutes, my boyfriend told me he couldn't excellarate. Our speed dropped and he couldn't do anything about it.

That's not supposed to happen!

We managed to get the car safely on the side of the road and we popped the hood. Well I can tell you, I have no clue what to do with anything down there. My boyfriend doesn't know much about these things either and couldn't find a problem. So I put down the mandatory warning triangle and my boyfriend called road support.

We had to wait for a while, so I was very grateful to my car that it decided to break down on a nice and sunny day. Road support came, dragged us to a safer spot and looked under the hood.

Nothing to find.

He ended up pulling us to our car mechanic's garage and he dropped our key in the mailbox. It was a saturday, so there wouldn't be anyone, until monday. He gave us a ride home and there we were, back to where we started!

I was very grateful that he dropped us off. I was less happy about the fact that we were now back home. We did still want to go to the party, so we called my boyfriend's sister, asked if we could ride the last 5 minutes of the way with them and then got on our bikes.

To the train station we went.

It was a sunny day, but it was still quite cold. I did not wear a hat and cycling through the cold while my ears are not covered is a bad thing for me. They started hurting quite badly and I got such a major headache from it. I was ready to just drop everything and enter the very first warm place I could find.


I did not want to go back home, knowing I'd probably be okay, after some warmth and rest. So we got in the train. Ofcourse, there were no seating places left. We decided to sit on the stairs, I closed my eyes and after the 45 minutes trip, all that was left of my hardship was some nausea. I could deal with that.

So we started walking to the next train we needed, when halfway through the walk, my boyfriend told me it should be leaving any second now. We upped our pace and managed to jump in, right when they blew the whistle.

We made it!

This was a 10 minutes trip, so we soon entered the end station. We walked the last 5 minutes to my boyfriend's sister.

My boyfriend's sister's son has grown to like me, so when we were there, he quickly crawled onto the couch next to me. We had some food (Subway!), I gave some of my white chocolate truffles to his other sister (she would be babysitting) and off we were.

Many tasty things had been made by my boyfriend's aunt for this party. I saw many people I didn't know and a couple I do know and I mostly talked to my boyfriend's sister and sat with him and his cousin for a while. We told his dad we might want to live in the appartment he build and that we will come back soon to talk about that. Then we had to be dropped off at the train station again.

It was a short visit to the party, but it couldn't be helped in our situation. We took the train back, cycled the last bit and were very glad to be back home!

Today (sunday), I have to make some kind of arrangement to drive with others, seeing as the dinner with my grandmother is nowhere close to us. I'm hoping we can drive with my dad. We'll see, I'm sure it'll work out! If not, it'll be a bike ride, train ride and bus ride.

Ah, the horrors of not having a car! And to think, I've only had one for about a year now. How quickly you get used to it. Though to be fair, this boyfriend with a family a while away is also fairly new. He entered my life just a couple of months before the car and drivers license. All worth it!

Anyway, we'll see how we'll manage to get to the dinner tonight. Hoping the car will be fixed, before wednesday, as we have to drive to my boyfriend's (empty) house. It's the same train rides as yesterday, but I want to bring cleaning supplies, so a car would be nice.

Did I mention I made the white chocolate truffles, yesterday morning? They are delicious, but I have found that greek yogurt does not go well in this recipe. The stickyness!

So how is your weekend, so far? Everything going according to plan?

My Deviantart image used as a header for my blog posts.
Flower picture is also from my Deviantart page.

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I wish you the best of luck with the car.

Thank you! Hoping it's an easy and cheapish fix :-)

Yes, I wish you the best of luck. I am going to follow you.

i like it :)

Thank you, glad you like it :-)