
in blog •  7 years ago  (edited)

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you take upvote from me because i don't understand what you wrote on the post

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

ouch. I wrote a story about how people keep saying that I need to gain more weight so I will look prettier, or how they make fun of me because I am too skinny. Hope that helps you get the idea. haha

hmm good keep it up

Apa bedanya kurus dengan langsing?

Kalau langsing mungkin bisa dibilang berat badannya ideal, kak. kalau kurus memang underweight.

just the way your are. You have beautiful voice, focus on it. Focus to bright up your talent. And yes, i agree with you, love your self and forgive others.

Yas, forgiving them is not hard, making them understand not to do those is.

Dulu saya suka diledek juga karena terlalu kurus, sampai dikira junkies dan diperiksa ke dokter... pergi juga ke sinshe ke mana-mana untuk naikkan berat badan... tapi lalu pasrah, sampai hamil dan punya anak, sekarang maunya kurus lagi dah... hahaha

Sama kayak mamaku berarti, kak. Dulu kurus, setelah nikah dan punya anak jadi nambah berat badannya.

saya malah masih kurus.. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

saya juga masih kurus kak hehehe

saya kapan gemuk..? 🤣🤣🤣

Kalau kata teman kuliah saya, "Semua orang akan gemuk pada waktunya." hahah

kalau kata saya, saya ga bakal gemuk.. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

yang penting sehat, kak.

untung saya pelari.. 🤣🤣🤣

OCD Kembali beroperasi lagi!!!

Postingan yang berkualitas ini berhasil ditemukan oleh Team kurator OCD!

Balas komentar ini jika Anda bersedia postingan ini untuk dibagikan.Dengan menyutujui hal ini,anda mendapatkan kesempatan untuk menerima reward tambahan dan salah satu gambar dari postingan ini akan kami gunakan dalam kompilasi harian kami.

Ikuti @ocd- untuk mengatahui project kami lebih lanjut dan membaca postingan berkualitas yang lainnya.

oke, kak.

Ha! @queenbee

Envy runs in line with ridicule!

How many would love the 'curse' (lol) of natural petiteness?

As the holidays approach, many are watching the calories, spending more time at the gym, so they can fit in that outfit just so.

Blessed are you!...Vocals AND no overweight drama!

Count your blessings! And, thank God in the process!

Btw, missed your vocals on Open-Mic last week...I look forward to you doing an A capella one week.


Yeah, true. Sure I want to get an ideal weight, but I want to do that in the right way by consuming healthy food and fixing my lifestyle.

I didn't have a chance to enter open mic last week because I was kinda busy, heheh. Maybe I will enter again next week.

ideal weight

@queenbee, You are at your ideal weight; if you're eating normally. Of course, to verify confirm my sentiments with your doctor.

But, ideal is defined (by most), as the weight that your are, eating as your body has need.

I've had several friends through the years who ate like 'houses' and never gained an ounce. As they got older, they filled out a bit, some a bit more than others... :+)

All I can say, is ignore the 'haters' who try to bring your energy down.

It's people as such who help create the mental disorder, anorexia.

Sadly, @queenbee I had a brief bout with the disorder years ago; and, am so thankful to God for pulling me out of it. Interestingly, my challenge originated from elder relatives saying I was putting on a few pounds. Occasionally, I'll come across an old pix and smh that I seemed so gaunt, trying to look like people thought I should. My parents never mentioned it; but, I think it scared them for a while. Once healed, by Divine Measure, no one EVER mentioned my weight again. (lol)

Bottom line, live your life. If your doc says everything checks out, accept you for you; and keep it moving...all the while knowing millions would love to not have a weight issue. The obesity rate in US is an epidemic.

Anyhoo, on to happier thoughts... I totally understand not having time; but, your Open-Mic entry is always in my top 3.

Stay blessed!


Ah glad that you have been healed. And yeah, sometimes we feel fine and think there is nothing wrong with ourselves until some people start to give bad comments about it.

By the way, I enter Steemit Open Mic this week and I have posted it. Maybe you can check it out when you have free time. heheh

Ah glad that you have been healed.

Yes, Praises to God for that!

nothing wrong with ourselves until some people …

Yep, so truth! Lol! In retrospect most of the critics had weight issues of their own needing concern. I guess in my case it was misery loves company.

Lesson learned: ALWAYS consider the source. (lol, but seriously)

I am heading over to your Open-mic audition and will leave mho. :+)
