Woke AF Reading List For Truth Seekers. This Is A Red Pill Party

in blog •  7 years ago 

  Here is an extensive list of books and videos and documentaries everyone should watch and read.

We are fighting a culture war against an enemy that most people really fail to understand. Whether it be because of ignorance or naivety or denial, the average person cannot fathom the extent of how far the rabbit hole goes.

The average person has either never heard of or has a vague knowledge of groups like The Council on Foreign Relations, The Trilateral Commission, The Club of Rome, Bilderberg, The Bank Of International Settlements, G20, The Royal Institute Of International Affairs, and a host of other similar round table groups that shape the current paradigm we currently find ourselves in.

To truly understand the gravity of our current societal situation, you have to at least attempt to grasp the concept that there are groups that steer and control our governments that are un-elected and do not have our best interests at heart. People have been dismissing these topics as conspiracy theories and have marginalized those that seek to expose the facade not realizing that they are imprisoning themselves in a jail that has no walls. Where people police their own thoughts and adhere to commonly accepted practices and beliefs and never question how we got to where we are as a civilization.

It can be hard to accept that the same groups of people manipulating our nations monetary policy are also manipulating our political, academic, social, and religious systems. One only has to look at the writings of these groups to see for themselves that the majority of us are living in a make-believe world that has been engineered to maintain the bulk of humanity in a lulled state that can be easily governed, manipulated, and controlled.

I am going to attempt in this post to provide a lengthy list of resources for the average person to become “red pilled”. There will be a mix of documentaries and books in this post that will help you awaken to the truth or to help others that are still asleep. The truth is that if we want to change the current state of the world we have to seek to become the change we want to see. I hope that this post helps you find your way. You might even understand me a little better in the process.

First I would like to start you off with a rather lengthy documentary that you might want to watch in parts. It covers a lot of ground and topics and is about 3 hours. It is titled “JFK to 9/11 Everything Is A Rich Mans Trick” 

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 The next is a book by Stanley Monteith titled “Brotherhood Of Darkness”. This book is not a massive tome, it’s actually quite an easy read, however there is a lot of useful information in it that will help point you in the right direction as far as research goes. This is a great resource for those taking the first red pill. 


 Another great primer is a book titled “None Dare Call It Conspiracy” by Gary Allen. I cannot stress how important it is for you to read this book. 


 The next book I would like to share with you is one that I have to say was instrumental in shaping my understanding of how the world really works. “Tragedy & Hope: A History Of The World In Our Time” by Carroll Quigley. This is not an easy read, it is a 1300+ page book that details the history of the world and its power players and explains how the banking elites have managed to cement control over the planet and worked to create the new world order… Most people will be shocked to learn the truth behind some of the most influential moments of the past 100 years. 


 The next bit of information I would like to share with you is pretty awesome. It is an interview with a former teacher titled “The Underground History Lesson” with none of other than the great John Taylor Gatto. This is another documentary I recommend you watch in parts because it is 5 hours long! I learned more from this interview than I was ever taught in any school history class. 

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 You should also think about reading his book “Weapons of Mass Instruction” so that you can understand the true nature of compulsory schooling.


The next book I would like to share with you is titled “The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America” by Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt. You won’t understand the damage done to Americas youth through the education system until you read this book along with the works of John Taylor Gatto. I recommend buying both books on this list because they compliment each other. 

 Charlotte Iserbyt has also been featured in several documentaries, all of which are worth watching. One of these is a 5 part interview series published by Infowars with Charlotte Iserbyt titled “The Secret History of Western Education: The Scientific Destruction Of Minds” 

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 To better understand the way that the financial systems of the world were created and are currently controlled I present to you a documentary titled “The Money Masters”. I highly recommend you watch this video and share it with people so they can understand what is really going on. For the record, the producers of this documentary endorse President Trump because they know that he is trying to dismantle the globalist money masters control over the United States and the world. You can buy a dvd of this on The Money Masters website. 

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 Here is a Corbett Report interview with one of the producers of “The Money Masters” 

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 Next I want to share with you a book that you should absolutely think about reading. “Rule by Secrecy: The Hidden History That Connects the Trilateral Commission, the Freemasons, and the Great Pyramids” by the late Jim Marrs. This book and his other works are a treasure trove of information and I suggest you read them. 


 The globalist cabal was responsible for the rise of both Hitler and Lenin, they funded the Bolshevik Revolution and bank rolled the Nazi’s. To learn more about Wall Streets connection to the Nazi’s go ahead and read “Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler” by Anthony C. Sutton. 


 To learn about how Wall Street funded the Bolshevik Revolution, check out “Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution” also by Anthony C. Sutton. 


If you would like to understand the roots of psychological operations and propaganda work you should read a book titled “Propaganda” by Edward Bernays. Modern psychological manipulation and engineering is based on his work and if you want to better understand how it works I highly suggest you read this book. 


The Bilderberg Group is an organization of industry leaders and politicians that meet to steer the direction of the world. It is highly influential and they really do help control foreign policy across the world. Check out this documentary. 

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 Modern day communists in the United States go by a very specific playbook, which makes them very predictable. “Rules For Radicals” by Saul Alinsky is a must read for all Patriots world-wide. If you want to learn how these people operate then you should read this book. 


Here is Ron Paul explaining the influence of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission in pushing for a one world government. 

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 Here is a video from 1975 of the CIA admitting that they influence the Mainstream Media and manipulate stories and headlines. Sounds like Operation Mockingbird to me. 

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 Here is Mark Dice explaining Operation Mockingbird. 

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Next I would like to share with you a book that is very well researched. You will find information in it that in the least provide you with plenty of material to research on your own. Even if you do not agree with the books conclusions, the Collins brothers have compiled a wealth of information in this book. “The Ascendancy of the Scientific Dictatorship” 


Population control and restrictive resource management are an integral part of the globalist agenda. If you want to learn more about the roots of UN Agenda 21 I suggest you read “Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment”.  Here is a link to the FREE PDF of the book, It is quite expensive on Amazon (most likely to deter people from buying it and reading it). 

Although this article may seem lengthy, this is only a snapshot of the kind of information that is really out there. I hope that you do watch and read what I have provided here and I will periodically post more red pill party posts to keep dumping links and videos to useful information. 

Please share this information with as many people as possible and do your part to win this war against globalism. It is going to be up to our generation to stop this. 

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I can one up this and say go to Gaia.com and watch whistleblower Corey Goode on Cosmic Disclosure, the real deal.

i recently watched undisclosed and then went on a binge watching corey goode lol really heavy stuff right there

Yeah? Tell me what you thought? Have you seen Emery Smith yet? William Tompkins? I started watching Cosmic first back in April 2016. And binged watched. Went on from there.. Connected a lot of unanswered questions I had on my own personal experiences. Makes a lot more sense now too. Show is Heavy at times indeed, and I Love the ultimate message about how it starts from within, and how collective consciousness dictates our paths.

Playing devils advocate, you can easily label it larp' and dismiss it as hoax because of the extreme "impossibilities" he claims to have experience, but I'm not so sure that's the case. His details are too on point, accurate, and consistent. Corey called data dumps years previously to Q, and his demeanor appears to always be genuine. He doesn't need to do this, nor is he famous, in contrast to the criticism.

there are times I don't know what to think about it. Part of me really does believe there is a secret space program, part of me wonders if those "aliens" are actually demonic entities considering even in the book of enoch they are referenced as coming from an alternate dimension we cannot see. Also makes me wonder about CERN and quantum computers. Chances are if we had some interstellar space navy they'd probably already have quantum computers in use right? Corey certainly seems genuine thats for sure but it raises as many questions as it answers for me

You said it, I was gonna respond w/ the more I dig and find out the less I know. What I do understand is that it all connects and ultimately it's consciousness that dictates our reality. Call this the matrix or whatever, but it's a world where we can manipulate it through thought and where anything is possible, that's what they're not telling you. Because everything is sound vibration frequency that can be manipulated, including thought, matter, and time itself. Like this Mandella effect maybe? How things people remember have completely shifted, it's obvious! Monopoly guy, Bible verses, movie lines, favorite products, Statue of Liberty, the global geography. Not sure if that's CERN or not too, I'd imagine they had a hand in tho. But the portal is now closed: http://www.someonesbones.com/blog/cern-suffers-massive-explosion/
And for singularity and quantum computing, they absolutely use it, I'm sure it's just highly protected and secured, to where only the highest intel levels get to play. Might be the reason "they have everything" Q hints at. Think whom could be at play. N is not for nazi. The singularity has to exist because A.I. exists, how much do we use it? No clue. But I doubt they need it, since there's many means to a similar outcome in the cosmos.

And maybe we see the start Secret Space program announcement this year, Elon Musk already talking about being ready for Mars trips by 2019. Something is in the works, the drip drip is seeding peoples conscious. Eventually Antartica will be apart of this initial disclosure since they can't hide what's down there much longer. Also heard the Nordics will come forward at some point through the Vatican, but that could be some time down the line.

How about now with POTUS's Space Force!? 6th Branch of the Military.

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