Having an in-sync day - a gift from the Universe

in blog •  6 years ago 

I have been mulling over the interesting day I had recently, and how it related back to the way I interact in the world.
(this differs from my normal post subjects, so if you aren't open to Spirituality you might like to back out of the post now)

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I had a day of 'everything flowed really well, and things were truly in sync'. This does not happen often to me, which was why the day was so amazing - and noticeable.

Which led me to ponder the 'why', and the inevitable circling back to the way I both see and interact with the world - or more accurately, the Universe.

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The first thing to understand - and this is only from my perspective - is that not everything the Universe helps us with is about BIG miracles or BIG events or MAJOR anythings. (Or stopss with the 'fun' topics like psychics and ghosts, lottery numbers, etc.)

In my personal experience, help can come in the form of something as (seemingly) insignificant as finding a car park just where you need it, getting to an appointment on time even when you know you're running late, or finding the money for a loaf of bread.

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I think what it comes down to is going with the flow, and this in turn means hooking into the positive mindset that is often so difficult to find because it is so much easier to fall into that pit of sludge, where negative thoughts can keep you sucked in and unable to move forward.

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I AM, I learned long ago, are - used in conjunction - the two most powerful words anyone one of us can utilise.

Lately, and especially when I have been feeling stressed or negative, I have used those two words to realign myself:

I AM centred.
I AM focused.
I AM happy.

I know they work on some level because I later realise something has shifted and I am feeling much better.

The long-winded explanation of why the I AM works - which I first learned of while reading the excellent series by Neale Donald Walsch, Conversations With God - is basically that I AM is a statement of the now and therefore you are telling the Universe you have it now, so the Universe makes it so. Saying things like 'I need' or 'I want' is a statement of the future, and the Universe brings you the needing or the wanting. There are other subtleties, and other factors at play, but that would take much better skill than I have at creating riveting explanations. Suffice it to say that I've read many books over the years, and had many discussions with like-minded people, and watched many clips on the topic of spirituality (not to be confused with the religious terminology). I have amalgamated all that information and honed it into a set of beliefs from which to stand on.

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So anyway, the day was about seemingly-fortuitous events occurring throughout our trip to the big city. All the things that went right for us might seem silly when retold, or insignificant, but I knew something good was happening, and I am grateful to the Universe for giving us that experience.

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  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I love this post. The 'I am' is a big part of life and needs strict attention. I wasn't knocking it in my earlier post on Subconscious Commands. Those Hints are for the active participant who finds ego intruding upon their meditation. In Hints, I mention the state of affirmations using I Am as the generic of an up person who is practising to better present state of mind. There I said the ego that I Am represents, and draws forth a mental censor that negates and raises the 'reality' now perceived that - possibly, probably, no, I Am Not - whatever the wanted condition. The inner dialogue can be very difficult to dispense with and that is why I have posted the Hints for Subconscious Command at #0193,#0194,#0197.
In those I present many affirmations that can be inner dialogue of I Am, but there I present them to speak aloud to your morning mirror saying, ''You Are . . . ''(utterly charming, warm, radiant and dynamic.) because this can bypass one's inner censor and Command the subconscious which thereby Acts as Executor, not doubting and not knowing any negative. [so, to say -I don't like cigarettes - is to say (without the negative) - I like cigarettes. The reverse is when one says ''I am very good at ...'' and one's inner dialogue immediately shows one evidence that ''no one isn't''.]
But I also started a series of Sanskrit, within which are, and will be more, out-breath chants to slow one's breath and fill your time and inner dialogue with almost meaningless ( in English) sounds one intellectually knows, are telling one the way. Chants for Contemplative Meditation. #0535,#0555,#0563.
--And, wait, there's more! 😂 If you are of a spiritual space, and need some 'other' contemplative thoughts, have a listen/read #0538 : Spiritual Repair. A talk by Rodney Jones, a jazz guitarist who learned guitar with/from Dizzy Gillespie and now teaches at Julliard, NY.
Keep on Keeping on. 😇

Sometimes I wonder just how precise we have to be in our wording (like spiritual laywerese) or whether the intent is enough?

I've started making a conscious effort to say something like 'best of good luck' to someone instead of just throwing out the word 'luck' as the intention to say 'good luck' because there also exists 'bad luck'. We need to be more specific in some of our phrasing, I think.

But thinking about specificity also gives me a brain ache. :P

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Reading the posts I put up on Edwardian grammar, back at #06,07,08,#11,#12,#15,#16,#19,#23,#26,#30,#37,#38,#40,#44,#48,#52,#56,#60,#64,#68,#72,#76,#80,#84,#85,#87, :-) #0099
#0124, #0156. - ouch!
Hints on Etiquette,Conduct and Manners, - #0179,#0183,
--I reread these every so often, and always try to not be in haste. Hurry up is a must in today's rush, but it probably was for all generations watching youth, so I do try to write in the manner I was raised and to apply politeness to everyone, no matter my rush, or their impertinence, etc. In Australia, we often abbreviate, but still contain the beginning or end sound, as in G'day, or 'str'ine (Australian), "flat-out -(like a lizard drinking [in the hot sun])", but always when trying to get an idea said and understood correctly, I revert to the language of WW1. Probably not a brilliant example, but as its Anzac Day tomorrow and you might know some expat Aussies out your way, have a gander at #0569, wherein a Brigadier was writing from the front to his small son. Obviously the child is probably not reading it himself and much cannot be said of war, but the gist is very well put across in very well written form.
Keep on keeping on. 😇

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Great post! Yes it is pretty fun and joyful when all flows in sync. And that sync may not flow how we want at times, til we look back at the great blessing that it happened the way it did. All we need is always supplied in abundance, all we have to do is be in tune to whom we already are, taking the necessary action when we get the intuitive guidance to do so. Lo and behold we then realize "miracles" are always happening. =)


I do find that sometimes reading the messages is tricky - e.g if something you want to do doesn't flow (i.e blocked) does this mean the timing is wrong, or the something is wrong? Do you retry later, or switch paths?

I guess that is where you'd really have to be very well in tune to sense which it is.

People like to define things as right or wrong, good or bad, but perhaps that depends on the individual with their beliefs and morals.

When we drink tea, who decides what tea is good or bad? The tea itself does not call itself good or bad; or perhaps not even have the awareness that it is called a tea (or maybe it does). The flow is like tea. Neither good, bad, wrong, or right except for the label we choose to attach to it.

Depending on the individual, if they may be tuned into "apathetic" feelings, it doesn't matter how much money they have, relationships they are or not in, their career or lack thereof; their whole world may feel like crap and falling apart. They are in that flow, and all will continue until they decide to change their story. Then they can be in the "joyful" flow where all goes perfect. The flow is the tao and will provide where the person is at and heading (which can change in a moment or stay indefinitely by taking responsibility). Therefore, is it possible that the flow is always in sync depending where one is aware or unaware of being in sync to?

Perhaps what needs to happen is taking out the trash. The trash is everything that keeps one from the moment of truly being. Then they can realize how much they create in their life from beliefs and doubts; whether conscious, subconscious, collective unconscious, or tuned intuition of superconsciousness. Then they can maintain or switch to a certain sense of being and flow. The flow moves like sound, or light; which is like a sine wave. With "ups" and "downs" which are part of the flowing wave, the power of consciousness affects the experience to speed up or slow down or change completely.

Keep moving when guided to move. Rest and reflect when needed. Move again and create. Rest and integrate. Inhale, hold, exhale, hold. The secret of the universe and flow is something we are doing and a part of everyday. The key is like what you said, being very well in tune to feel and sense it, then to flow with change yet directed with cosmic intelligence. =)

You are so right :)

Now you wish more in-sync days, and you ask why and how. I guess only in heaven we get in the flow, centered, focused and happy everyday.

I would definitely love every day to be as in-sync as that one was. It was quite a buzz, especially as I was aware it was happening.

It is easy to let outside influences block that flow, though, but positive draws more positive so the blocks should be easier to overcome? :)

ravenruis I LOVE this post! It instantly made me think of Maddy, whose site I have messaged to you.