Don't Pretend You Know Everything. It's Annoying.

in blog •  7 years ago 

Know Everything Annoying.png

This has GOT TO STOP. You wanna prove yourself? Just know what you know and show that off. There is NO REASON to pretend like you know everything in the world and how everything works, when you really don’t. Why pretend when you will eventually get caught? Such a waste of time.
Why am I going off on a tangent about this? Because I encounter people often that do this. I also think it has to do with being embarrassed about not knowing something. You don’t want to be the odd person out and not know what everyone else is talking about. But why not be out? Why not use this as a learning opportunity? Why not allow someone else the ego boost to tell you what’s what, THEN you can turn around and do the same for someone else. If you really need to.
Honestly, I love learning new things from others. Being a know-it-all doesn’t really get you ahead, either. It actually distances you from people. If you do happen to know everything about something, parading that in front of people won’t get you more friends. It might even lose you friends because it’s super annoying. For reals. Most people like to be on an even playing field with each other. Stop trying to hover above everyone.
Don’t waste your time pretending to know things you don’t and as a side note, don’t pretend to be someone you’re not.

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