RE: Send Encouragement!! (please)

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Send Encouragement!! (please)

in blog •  8 years ago 

Oh, man! Such GREAT advice!! Thank you so much. It absolutely feels like starting from scratch, but I totally agree with everything you have written. Thanks for the encouragement to take it easy and not try to make this a PR or something. That probably wouldn't be wise.
I've always wanted to get my foot looked at and do the whole analyzing of my strike and such. Maybe this race I can make time for that.
I appreciate the resteem. I want as much help as I can get! :)
I will go and look for that group on Facebook, for sure. Thanks, again!

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Most running shoe stores will a gait analysis for free. Or you can look at the treadwear on your shoes. If its all on the outer back edge, along the outer edge midsole, mostly outer toes you high arches for instance. Or you could do the good old fashioned stand on a brown paper bag with wet feet to see what your arches are. Which race are you doing?

I am doing a women's half marathon. I wasn't really looking for something with only women, it just happened to be the event that fit best with the time of year I wanted to run.

Nothing wrong with that. :)
You should do like weekly progress updates or something for us.

That's a good idea!