RE: Everyone is Freakin’ Triggered These Days

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Everyone is Freakin’ Triggered These Days

in blog •  6 years ago  (edited)

The one who is getting tiggered isn't the one you think.

This story is fake.

Just think about it: the video of a woman appears on Youtube. The woman doesn't seem disturbed in the slightest that she is being filmed. She pretends to hide a few seconds, then stand up and goes on to tell her line with a clear and firm voice tone while looking straight into the camera. Some more footage comes showing a likeable little black girl straight out of a Nintendo Switch or Benetton advertizement selling bottles to a bystander with an angelic smile in an utterly unlikely timing. She doesn't seem any more disturbed to be on camera. For some unexplained reason the thing goes viral, in the sense that it's suddenly in the top trending video on Youtube (something Steemians are well placed to know is very hard to achieve without "help") and seems to have a lot of views which by mere snowball effect and herding behavior gets it to get even more views. Media outlets pickup the story and add some political spin to it "black girl, white woman, blah blah". And there you go, then entire blogosphere and vlogosphere goes nut and starts bitching about it and making that a political statement without questionning in the slightest the very unnatural way this whole "scene" came to be filmed and uploaded, and the very unnatural way people are acting given the circumstances.

As if that wasn't enough, some journalists later claim having located a record of the 911 call that is published and becomes immediately viral. Surely, everybody goes nut again without questionning in the slightest how on earth this came to be.

Let that sink in. It was allegedly a 911 call. In a post GDPR world, do you think this is being recorded without the caller being warned about it (there was no warning in the extract that was published). And even if it was recorded, do you think it's being stored in a way that any rogue 911 staffer could possibly access to and leak without any oversight whatsoever? And even if this was the case which is pretty unbelievable, do you really think that some 911 staffer would take the risk to go rogue and leak the record and getting fired, just to add some more oil on the fire of a short lived Internet outrage?

This just doesn't make any sense at all. If that really happened, the real outrage should come from the blattant abusive surveillance and privacy breach that made this possible. But that is so unlikely to have actually happened that you can safely write this off as entirely fake. Yet, this is still being picked up and blown out of proportion in a ridiculous demonstration of large scale herding behavior and mass hysteria.

But here is where the apex of the ridiculous is reached: for some mysterious reason someone found how to contact that woman (just with her face) and she is interviewed, apologizies publicly and (wait for the irony) ... claims to be manipulated! And we learn that she has stepped down from her role of CEO at her own company that she most probably own entirely and that sells ... dog weed.

This is absurd upon unlikely upon ludicrous. This is like an April's Fool joke at the wrong time. And yet nobody questions any of that and everyone goes along with the story happily (or so it seems), using it as some outlet to express outrage and anger. You will be hard pressed to find anyone anywhere on the interwebs raising any objection to any of it. For all I know, I could be the first person to express scepticism.

The world has totally lost its ability to think critically. This is really appalling and worrisome.

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I don't disagree with you on that regard at all, there was a witch-hunt type launched against her without hesitation, we have a lot of these events now occurring without trial or jury including in the #metoo movement.

I have some posts lined up about that, and the mob mentality even in colleges where they gang up on teachers, I'll post those soon after I post one or two more about tribalism so that everything comes within context.

What I mean to say by this that I absolutely see where you're coming from, people ganged up on this lady and there was some organized outrage against her. I tried not to focus on those points, and I didn't bring the racism card here because there is no evidence of it to be honest.

I was just touching on the fact that people are calling the cops these days for all kinds of reasons (even in turkey) and as in the criticisms she received I only mentioned the one that seemed relevant which is failing to see the entrepreneurial spirit of a child.

P.S: Just to give some context (and maybe this is where I failed) I used the term "triggered" because in the coming posts I will be posting about this mob mentality where people are getting "trigger-happy" to condemn without hesitation, it's a play of words to set up new stories.

Your comment would make a great post!

This story is some more zionist media bullshit

I'm an original thinker... That's very rare, in my opinion...
December 29, 2020... 2.3 Hollywood Time...