Review The Wild: Curly Dock

in blog •  7 years ago  (edited)


I love the outdoors and I wanted to share some of my favorite overlooked edible plants for all you nature-lovers. By far my favorite is the curly dock. Easy to spot and big on flavor, this is a must-try for everyone.

What is curly dock

curly dock is a plant that can be found in most parts of the northern US. It gets its name from both the curly edges of the leaves and the root. A dock, also known as a tap root, is a long, narrow central root which breaks off when the plant is pulled. In that respect it is similar to a dandelion where the root will stay underground and will regrow. It is incredibly hardy and will grow in disturbed areas, sand, and soil without issue. Here are some specimens I have seen around town:

How to ID it

NOTE: I am just a person on the internet. Do you own research before picking and eating anything you aren't familiar with. I am not responsible if you do something dumb.
First, the wavy edges are easy. The central rib can be red (like above). In young plants, each leaf has its own stem, but in older plants, there is a central stem the leaves grow from.

How to cook it

Now that you have it, you can eat the young leaves raw. The stems and the older leaves can also be eaten after cooking. The stalk has an asparagus-like texture and the cooked leaves become very soft and buttery. I have both sauteed and boiled them to good effect. In a camping scenario, boiling would be the smartest. Ideally, I would boil the leaves and saute the stems.

What does it taste like?

It has a spinach feeling and tastes like spinach with lemon on it. It is delicious just boiled with some black pepper or just by itself. NOTE: the lemony taste comes from oxalic acid and can cause health issues if eaten in massive quantities for a long period of time. Oxalic acid is a natural sour-tasting compound and can be found is similar quantities in chives, parsley, and beet leaves. It is healthy and natural but refrain from eating it more than a few times a week and you will never have a problem.

Happy trails and happy meals!

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Be careful if they are too close to the road though because exhaust gases from cars.

without a doubt. Avoid anything close to traffic or a questionable water source whenever possible.

O God help me, cos I'm in for the tasting.