The New Nazis

in blog •  5 years ago 

No group of people in history have been on the receiving end of such hate and revile as the Nazi party of Germany, and logically for good reason.

Logic dictates that a modern day government who treats an ethnic group of people under their control as little more than killing sport, restricts this group to an open air prison, and quite obviously is inflicting slow but deliberate genocide, should be given the same revile and hate that the world still gives the Nazis of Second World War Germany.

The fact that many governments of the world support the Ashkenazi Israeli government, and allows such dehumanisation and genocide, will hopefully go down in history as an indictment of any government or group in a position of power who is either inflicting such horror or allowing such crimes of horror to continue. I pray that the world learns how to hold those responsible for such evil to the only penalty worthy of such deeds : death.

I use the term Ashkenazi to refer to a people who are NOT Abrahamic Jews, thereby distancing these people from the Jews and Judaism (regardless of how Jewish the Ashkenazi claim to be). I want to seperate the citizens of the state of Israel from their Ashkenazi government. Often times an evil government needs to be morally separated from their naive citizenry who are not guilty of the same crimes.

This video does not use the word Nazi, that is my interpretation. It is an RT / On Contact interview with Abby Martin regarding a Palestinian documentary of hers . The conversation is factual but calm.

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