Magical Floating TV

in blog •  6 years ago 

There was a time many years ago that as a homeowner I would have called to have this work done. The idea of taking on a task like this was, for some reason, beyond my belief that I could accomplish such a task. In fact, as I look around the house, I can point to so many things--so many tasks--for which I have paid a contractor. For what? In hindsight: fear.


Recently I had the pleasure of installing a new TV mount from Echo Gear. Ordered from Amazon, unboxed and installed--single handed. There's some labor (the mount is not light), but the end result (and the feeling of accomplishment) worth every drop of sweat.

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I know what you mean about the fear of being your own handy man. It feels great when you actually do accomplish something, I bet you felt like a total bad ass drilling into the wall.

A great feeling indeed. So much so that I put another, larger, one up in another room a couple of days later. Next up: the basement media center...

You’re going to have quite the seiectioj of televisions around that house of yours.