RE: 5 Tips to Avoid Writer's Block

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5 Tips to Avoid Writer's Block

in blog •  7 years ago  (edited)

Been working as an SEO/writer for the past 10 years, and I've had my fair share of excruciatingly terrible bouts of writer's block. Been working the graveyard shift for years as well, and aside from the things you’ve mentioned, here are some that worked for me:

Pushups - yep, that's right. I've read somewhere that increasing your blood circulation helps "wake up" your brain, and I would agree with this one.

Taking naps, or putting the work off until you've had sleep - I noticed that I'm able to write significantly faster after sleeping. It works even if I have to wake up really early in the morning, like 3 am. If it's not possible to get several hours of sleep, a power nap would still do.

Energy drinks - Bacchus and Kai works particularly well for me, keeps me alert but doesn't get me hyped up. Not for everyone though, so I would advise caution :D

Here's possibly the best tip I can give when it comes to writing (or doing anything really)...

Just Do It! - Yep, I am quoting Nike on that one. Sometimes we want everything to come out right that we often hesitate and rethink our train of thought instead of just writing it down. This is what causes writer's block for me most of the time. I suggest just going ahead and write what's on your mind spontaneously, then just edit it after. Sometimes even after editing it it doesn't turn out the way you want it to be. That's ok, just like anything, you only become good at writing through practice. And in my opinion, whether you're a writer, an artist, or a musician, nothing can ever be "perfect", it can only get better. Almost always when you look back at your past work you'll be able to find something wrong, but that's part of the process of improvement. As your skills increase, so do your expectations from yourself, which is good because this is what drives us to become better at our craft.

Hope this helps. Would really appreciate the follow too!

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