RE: Long overdue

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Long overdue

in blog •  6 years ago 

"When I started this new job, it was never my intention to neglect my online life, yet that is exactly what happened."

I too managed to start a new job around the end of last year and I know the feeling all too well! Glad to see an update on it all and it does seem like it's all going well and getting better with time for you so that's great.

"Even though I only work three days a week, I find that once I'm at home, I don't have the energy for more 'work'."
"Now that I have an actual job that pays me good money, I have to put that one first, obviously."

Again, hearing you all too well in terms of 'work'. I'm personally guilty of multiple posts queued/drafted over the past month, but haven't had the proper time/energy to sit there and crank them out with the same energy I had before starting my new job.

Also in terms of putting the job first, for some people that might not be obvious to put that first when chasing potential pipe-dreams.. and I like to keep my outlook as follows, Put your efforts in where they need to be, when they need to be, and keep pushing forward no matter what.

According to Ron Swanson,

"Never half-ass two things. Whole-ass one thing."

Glad to hear you've had your downtime to enjoy some games and ATLAS.. sorry about whatever problems that's giving you, and from ARK's track record, it's only going to get better with time, so enjoy and happy exploring there.

Again, glad to see an update on all things @playfulfoodie and hope you enjoy that vacation/home improvements soon.


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I'm personally guilty of multiple posts queued/drafted over the past month, but haven't had the proper time/energy to sit there and crank them out with the same energy I had before starting my new job.

Oh yes, that sounds very familiar! I've got pictures of recipes I tried but never had the energy to write them down. Such a shame huh, but still, the job is a nice and reliable change so it's not all bad :-)

Glad to hear you've had your downtime to enjoy some games and ATLAS.. sorry about whatever problems that's giving you, and from ARK's track record, it's only going to get better with time, so enjoy and happy exploring there.

So far it does seem like it's going to get better. They're releasing a big update this month, so I'm looking forward to seeing those changes. Too bad it has to come with a complete server and character wipe though. I'll miss the little homes I build and the animals I tamed. It's going to be a pain trying to tame horses again!

Thanks so much for your comment @scruffy23, I hope you're doing well!