Some people believe that all
wild animals should be pro-
tected. Others say that few
wild animals should be pro-
tecteoinstead. Discuss both
views and give your opinion.
Give reasons foryour answer
and include any relevant
examples from your own
knowledge or experience.
Every year a number of wild animals are
being extinct and the increasing number
of endangered species worldwide is an
alarming issue for us. Some people are
in the opinion that we should try to save
all the wild animals while others believe
that we should emphasise on saving
some selective wild animals.
First of all, wild animals are part of our
eco-system and they have as much share
as we have on this Earth. Due to exploit
and overuse of natural resources by
humans, many such wild animals are
getting wioed out. Since we, human, are
the main reasons their existence are in
danger, it is our obligation to protect
them. While planning and executing our
steps to save wild animals, we should
never select some wild aninmals while
letting others die. In fact, it is quite
unclearwhat would be the determining
factors for our biassed selection? Many
people, in this case, would argue that
we should focus on saving wild animals
which are fewer in numbers and have
greater chances of extinction like Royal
BengalTigers and Pandas. However,I
disagree. If we take proper steps to save
wild animals, that would include any
wild animal found around us. For in-
stance, if we can ensure a natural inhab-
itation of all wild animals and prohibit
any actions that might threaten them,
would actually save all the wild animals.
When saving some selective wild
animals, many argue that geological
garden could a safe place for them. In
fact, the reality is quite contrary. We
should not out wild animals in cages
and should let them freely live in their
natural living olace. International organ-
isations like UN, UNESCO, WWF, Wildlife
ALliance etc. sonmetimes work on saving
endangered animals but that does not
restrict their activities for saving those
wild animals only. They have broader
plans and several initiatives for saving
all the wildlife animals. Finally, our won
activities like logging trees, increasing
Use of cars, expanding cities, luxury,
rampant hunting of animals etc. are the
main threats to every wild animal in the
world and the time has come for us to
step forward and stop such activities.
Saving every wild animal is a dire need
not only to maintain the natural balance
but also for our own well-being.
In conclusion, we should save every wild
animal that is still present in the world.
Selecting some wild animals for saving
is an idea we should discard as it would
bring more devastating effects than
positive ones.
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