#5 Tips - How to get your sh** together and reach your goals

in blog •  7 years ago 

Have you ever felt like you don’t know where your going in life? Unmotivated, passively watching others enjoy their life online?

The past 2 weeks I felt like that. I wasn’t really active on steemit, instagram or any other social network. Doing nothing creativity wise. Why? Because I just didn’t know what to say or what to share with you. Creative blocks are normal.
And you know what?! That’s okay! I sometimes go through phases like that and I think we all do, right?

I didn’t know where I was going in life. I had no idea what my upcoming “goals” were or what I actually wanted to achieve in the near future. To be honest, i was just drifting through life. Planning nothing. Doing whatever and whenever I felt like it. Watching tv shows 5 hours a day, trying not to think about responsibilities. Well, sounds chill doesn’t it? It was for a bit, but to be completely honest with you: This is not what I want and I was already getting bored, so I decided to sit down and think about my long term goals and MAKE A CHANGE!

Here’s a list of my top tips on how to get out of whatever unproductive mindset your currently in and get your ass moving!
No particular order

#1 Tip - Enjoy yourself

Come up with at least on thing you look forward to each day and implement it into your daily morning routine! Personally, I love going for morning walks in nature. Getting outside after waking up is something really special for me as you can feel the clam vibes and fresh air charging your body with positive energy.
Enjoy early mornings

#2 Tip - Set long term goals

What are your long term goals? Start with one single goal, come up with a list of chores you have to do in order to make your goal a reality and work on it daily! Set a time or just go with how you feel. Making sure you take time for you and your dreams can't be emphasized enough.
Keyword: Organization! Take one step at a time, you can’t focus on everything at once (100%).

#3 Tip - Be productive

Stay away from distractions. This can be anything from your phone, social media or anything that doesn’t contribute to your long term goal in any way. For me personally, my major distraction are/ we’re definitely tv shows.

To make transitioning easier, try to connect your “favorite distraction” with something productive. E.g. if your goal is to get more flexible or fit, do your workouts while watching your fave tv show. Just be creative, I’m sure you’re gonna find a solution that works for you!

#4 Tip - Milestones

Set milestones and be proud when you’ve achieved one! What else is there to say? Be proud of self growth promoting choices and actions. I’m already proud of you for reading this, cause to me it means your on the right path to getting aligned with your true self!

#5 Tip - Inspiration

Be your own inspiration!
Learning by doing is a life long process, which constantly leaves room for self growth and improvement. Reaching a state, where you get inspired by your own thoughts and actions sets you up with endless possibilities! Realize, that YOU are the CREATOR of your LIFE EXPERIENCE



Feel free to check out my blog here!

Until next tomorrow, be grateful, do what you love and follow your <3! BIG THANK YOU to you my steemian fellow for being a part of my journey!

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Awesome post,amazing.

Thank you so much☺️

Wonderful post, thank you

Thank you!

Nice post..!

Couldn't agree more! One thing I would add would be to do a budget because financial stress can be devastating for people who don't manage their money properly. And you were spot on for #1, I always tell my friend to wake up early if they want to get their life together. We have to listen to our body :D

Thank so so so much for your productive feedback! Omg that’s truly something I need to add.
Hahaha this is amazing, do your friends implement your advice about getting up early?😉

helpful post.thank you very much.

I appreciate that!

Awesome post