Speaking in Tongues A Gift From God; But, Not a Requirement of Salvation

in blog •  6 years ago  (edited)

Today I had an interesting discussion with @gloeze regarding the gift of speaking in tongues.

She is of the belief that every born-again believer should be able to speak in a foreign tongue to “stir up the power of God.”

With utmost respect, speaking in tongues is not for the purpose of being able to conger up God. Speaking in tongues is for the purpose of conveying a God-Word to people, who understand the language spoken, for His Glory; and, for their benefit.

Speaking in tongues is one of the seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit; given to some as ordained by God; therefore, a person shouldn’t feel as an inferior Christian if they don’t possess the Gift of speaking and/or discernment of tongues.

Yes, speaking in tongues and discerning what is spoken, are two separate Gifts of the Spirit, as noted in the following verse:

…to another diverse kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues (1 Corinthians 12:10).

God can enter the spirit of man; but, we cannot ‘conger’ God up with strange utterings. That is one of the biggest mistakes of those who teach on the Gift of tongues.

Some churches preach that unless one speaks in tongues, he can’t be born of the Spirit.

In fact, some churches preach that speaking in tongues is ‘proof’ of being saved. Oftentimes, many are discouraged; and, try to force themselves into praying in tongues.

This defies the Word of God. Remember, to one this gift is given, to another a different gift is given, all from the Holy Spirit. Some are given several of the gifts. But, it is not stated that everyone has to receive all seven of the gifts.

Clearly, God says speaking in tongues is not for self; but, to communicate in this foreign tongue, in order to deliver a Word from God to others, for a specific revelation. He says that it does no good to speak in tongues with people who haven't a clue what is being said (1 Corinthians 14:2).

Sadly, I've seen people 'acting out' this Gift; but, this is an insult to Father God in Heaven.

Blessed are those who genuinely are blessed with this Gift; and, I do believe that it is amongst the most rare of the Divinely-Ordered Gifts.

@gloeze replied that “a Christian…has decided not to activate the power with Him.”

This breaks my heart; because, it is an inference that humans can plug in the Holy Spirit, as if humans could control what the Spirit of God does.

Smh, as this is so far from the truth. The Holy Spirit was gifted to believers as The Helper who would stand in for the entire world, until Jesus returns (John 16:7). At Pentecost the Holy Spirit filled the room, not by what man did; but, by a Promise fulfilled by Jesus (Acts 2: 1-13).

Unfortunately, @gloeze is not alone in her perception.

Worth reiterating, the Bible says that certain gifts are given to one, and to another, a different gift; and as the Holy Spirit wills, He divides to every man severally as He will.

Here is the Bible verses of which I speak:

8) For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit; 9) To another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit; 10) To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues: 11) But all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally as He will (1Corinthians 12:8-11).

Note that the verse says, to another; and, not all gifts being inclusive for all believers.

I hope this helps add clarity to this most-debated topic of speaking in tongues. As always, I am open for continued discussion.

For a good read, here’s a link to @gloeze ‘s original post:


Best regards.


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Very interesting your post that bad that this language barrier and we can not speak with all the people of different language but we the witnesses of jehova we are all over the world taking the message to each corner we are more than 8 million witnesses with publications in more than 750 languages ​​we see that although the language barrier this is not a difficult task to carry the message of Jehovah God

Yes, praise God! Let all who have ears to hear, and eyes to see, receive Him.

Best regards.

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