Beautiful Little Creature

in blog •  7 years ago 

I follow an artist on Instagram who makes the most beautiful porcelain dolls. Ball jointed dolls...I didn’t even know this was a thing until I crossed paths with her.

(Anna granted that I may share her photos here on Steemit)

She lives in the Ukraine and is incredibly talented and beautiful herself.


After staring at the incredible little works of art for months I decided to commission a doll of my very own! I’ve gotten to watch the process as Anna posts photos through her creation process.



Anna asked me to select the doll’s skin and hair coloring, which face I preferred, how she is to be adorned, which accessories I want her to have like shoes, clothes, a doll stand, etc.



It’s been very WestWorld-ish! (I hear the TV theme song in my head when I look at this doll assembly pics)



I plan to put my little creature on a shelf in my bedroom as a little fairy-like work of art. And although I was never a big doll collector as a little girl, I must admit that I plan to get this one down and play with her some. She is ball jointed. You can POSE her. It’s just so cool...! you’ll probably see photos of my little doll model here on my blog in a few months. 🤗

Haven’t decided what to name my beautiful little creature...🤔

If you’d like to know more about Anna or order a doll for yourself please check out her website

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Is Anna on Steemit? I would follow her blog.

No she is not currently, but if she joins I’ll promote her and you’ll see. :)

Shouldn’t this be nsfw? Just saying.. even if they are just little dolls, i know people can be sensitive..

Well, that’s an interesting suggestion. To me this is not NSFW. Even hyper conservative Instagram allows nipples so long as they’re not real, live female nipples. Because, you know, real, live female nipples are sexy (they are) and sex is bad (it’s not) and so IG bans “bad” things.

I know people can be sensitive...It’s just really not my mission to enable unexamined sensitivities. Sorry if I sound flippant or argumentative. That’s not my intention. It’s just nipple hiding is a big pet pieve of mine!

Because, you know, real, live female nipples are sexy (they are)

Haha.. no arguments here.

Personally, i don’t have any issue with anything.. infact i hate insecure people who now a days get offended so easily over anything.
I will reiterate that the idea of tagging this post as nsfw was given keeping in view the general response of masses towards this.

Thanks steemed-open. Good idea as a present for someone. Different and unique. They could also choose as the doll is put together.

Not my thing but amazing talent and skill here. Great work keep it up tell her 💯🐒

Following your posts, I get to see something I never expected and enjoyed reading about something I never would have given a second thought too.
Now I'm intrigued. Yes, they do look beautiful. So detailed.
science fiction, fantasy, erotica

Ditto. Although truth be told I do know I’m interested in most of what you post on your blog. ☺️

Oh, my God, these are amazing pieces of art. Such a delicate and painstaking work. It's amazing. I am actively visiting instagram, and there are so many interesting personalities I found! Indeed, the world is full of talents!


I believe in the power of women to change our world through massive innovations today.

But society today haa tried all possible means to break the woman.

Take a look at my post, the broken woman.

These twin brothers introduced me to steemit, today's their birthday.

Please help me celebrate these awesome creatures. Do visit my blog post for them and upvote.

Thank you

This so sweet, even more awesome coming from a woman. I enjoyed your blog @steemed-open and it's my first time here. Am impressed.

I am a writer against violence on women and also solicit gender tolerance and equality.

Take a look at my post on brutality and abuse against women.

Please if the post interests you and @sean-king kindly upvote to encourage other young women like myself.

I learned by selling stuff on ebay that some people are obsessed with dolls. It gets pretty weird.