It’s not always pretty...

in blog •  7 years ago 

I like to post pictures here and share my little dharma message over and over, which is 👉🏽 do the work to figure out who you truly are at the core of your belly, and then do the shit out of that. Live it! Rock it! Be it! And many days that exactly how I live!! ✊🏽💪🏾🙌🏽 But guess what...I’m still human. I’m still doing the work of clearing through my own triggers. And, when you take off on giant life changes and adventures, like we have recently moving to Puerto Rico, you accelerate encountering your demons.

So while I’m here living the good life in PR, embracing all of this fantastic change, I’ve also been having epic melt downs and come aparts each week as I encounter and work thru old triggers and shit that gets dredged up from all the change.

I don’t want to deny this. I don’t want to only show you my good side. I can’t talk about honesty, #nohiding, and authenticity and then only share happy shiny glossy reflections of my life. So, I have to be real and tell you - I can be really unpredictable. One minute I can be having a fun day of furniture shopping for our dream home, and the next minute I encounter another shopper wearing designer clothes who (in my mind) judges me for not wearing comparable designer clothes and then - BOOM - I am triggered into questioning my entire sense of self worth for the rest of the day until I talk it all through and cry it out with my Man.

Things stabilize and happiness restored for a while, but then a few days later I am having a great evening at a restaurant chatting with friends, next we go to a salsa bar after dinner, I get insecure...want to dance but can’t let go of insecurities and then - BOOM - I get triggered into tightness and anxiousness for the rest of the night watching friends having fun while berating myself for being so stiff. I try and see if I can drink this tight feeling, maybe one more beer will help. 😆 🍻 Nope. Doesn’t help. A little alcohol can loosen you up. However, a lot of alcohol, when you are already anxious, only makes you a sloppy anxious drunk who eventually falls into a mental pit of “poor me.” 😩

It’s not always pretty being me. Being sensitive, and (I’ll say it) sometimes down right unstable, is not how I want to be. But it’s the truth and that’s all I can ever share. In fact if I don’t share the full spectrum of myself...from the lovely lady prancing around the streets of old San Juan in the beautiful light of sunset - to the stiff girl against the wall later that night at the salsa bar who got triggered into a fit of insecurity...I’m not being authentic at all. Because you can’t hide parts. If I hide one part I’m hiding the whole of who I am, and all I want to be is real and whole.

Life is often a 2 steps forward, 1 step back process. Hell, and some days it feels more like 1 step forward, and 5 steps back. This plays out in our photo shoots every time. For every lovely shot of me walking down the street, wind in my hair, with great lighting there are many more shots where my face is full of tension, I trip, fall, or blink.




Idk why I beat myself up about my struggles. When I’m down I can hear my ego run down a familiar list of shoulds, like “you’re 47 and should have your shit together by now. How can you go from feeling like an enlightened goddess one day to blubbering with snot running down your face groveling the next? What is wrong with you? Pull it together!” Idk how much of that is genuine self criticism or just ego trying to badger me into living at a higher and happier level with more consistency. Thanks for trying ego. But the truth is I’m doing the very best I know how to do each day. Some days that goes well, and some days shit falls a part. That’s life. That’s being human. That’s me.

(Thank You @sean-king for taking these photos with me and not deleting the out takes this time 🙏🏽😘)

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Reminds me of some times in my life, and therefore I understand very well, how you feel.

When I moved to the US all these years ago, even though I was very privileged, I wasn't always happy. Quite the opposite at times. Had to smile, when I read

I encounter another shopper wearing designer clothes who (in my mind) judges me for not wearing comparable designer clothes and then

When I started my career as a young artist, I was relatively successful early on and so of course, once I could afford them I wanted, what I thought were the right clothes. Made me feel safe to be out and about, wearing the right labels. But it was also a kind of dependency. When I got to the States it was quite a shock, that nobody knew or gave a whatever about stuff that had a high reputation back home...

Ok... started over, adjusted and upgraded the wardrobe and then.... arrrgh... same routine when I moved back. In the end it was a learning experience and today, if anything, I look at quality, not a name...

Knowing yourself and self improvement is a noble goal, but please forgive me for saying that, sometimes I get a feeling you are trying too hard. Sometimes its ok, to let 5 be even, as we say. I have come to just accept certain things... and believe me, it wasn't always easy.

I keep having "The Moon" in my head again. You gave me permission once to post a picture, but I don't how you feel about it now and I don't want to spam your blog. If you like, you can see it here

Basically "The Moon" represents overcoming our fears, which is something I find absolutely essential in life. On the bottom you see a strange element reaching up. When I painted it, I thought of the claw of a cancer, and it reaches up from the water. Could as well be a plant too. It represents our inner self coming out of the water (subconscious). But the surroundings are scary. The two guards are our mind/intellect who keep our inner self down there. They are the ones shouting about designer clothes and not being loose enough in a bar... and then the towers. All in this moon twilight... the roofs of the towers are like these mushrooms that cause hallucinations if you ate them. And that is what fear does to you too. It makes things appear much bigger and threatening as they really are... in fact, the person in the designer outfit might just have worn the only one he/she had and envied you for your much better taste in furniture AND clothes!

Crowley, who created one of the best Tarot Decks ever (in my opinion) said: Do what you want. Now look at this carefully. By those who knew him it is said, that he didn't mean: do whatever you feel like, and be a real sh.... something.

What he supposedly meant was:

Do what you really really want. Do the tings you find important and essential to you and don't worry about what others say...

Ironically, its usually the most attractive, stunning and charismatic women, who get concerned, that they might not look good enough. On top it needs intelligence to be able to self doubt... although knowing that doesn't always help 😬

By the way, I don't know in which category you put that last photo. For me its the best one. Both, as a picture with its perfect composition and the faded background and also by your expression. Looked at it in full resolution (thank you @sean-king!) and it is perfectly clear, why your husband loves you the way he does.

I agree with you.. Quality is far more important than the name.. I'm yet to move out from my state to another so I'm yet to really know how it feels.. I enjoyed your comment

Thank you for your agreeing. In the end its all that matters I think. In all aspects actually.
A move to a far away place is definitely a major change... not for everyone!

I sense that you really do understand me and can relate. Yes, at first we seek the designer labels to validate our worth and to make us feel safe! (I say this too and haven’t heard someone else express it that way. 😊) But it can become a prop or a crutch for the psyche, and I don’t want to get wrapped up in that game. So, generally I consciously avoid overt designer labels. Like so far in life I do not own a Louis Vuitton bag. Not that I can’t afford it, but it’s just the de rigueur status symbol of every wealthy woman, and I don’t want to play by those rules. But then I go shopping and get triggered by a glance. 😆😂 Seems I’m a delicate little snowflake/warrior.

I’ve also thought about the inner response of the designer clad lady as you suggested. What if I triggered her as well?! Like, maybe she worried “oh my, I should go to the gym more...look at her body. I don’t measure up!” 😂 who knows?!

Plus, as you say, the rules of the game are different in each culture or location. So if I buy all the crap to compete well in this stadium, then I have to switch equipment when I travel somewhere else just to feel secure. I want to just be comfortable no matter what I have on, whomever I’m with, and wherever I am! That’s long been my life goal and my life challenge...and I guess my life purpose.

I as you really really want. Don’t worry what others think! This is my philosophy too!! 💗 I preach this message, and many days succeed in living it. But then some days I get triggered and this struggle that I write about here FEELS bigger in my bodily response than all my mental philosophy and idealism. So then, no matter how many times I remind myself “it doesn’t matter what others think. Wear your cheap pretty dress with pride. You chose it because you love it.” My body won’t relax. So that’s my dilemma. It’s like my life intentions get physically high jacked.

Thank you for taking the time to write out such a thoughtful and supportive response. Maybe I am trying too hard, as you say. I Started to reply, “but here’s why I must....” But maybe I am approaching all of this from the wrong direction? 🤔 I am trying to fix the problem by focusing on it. 😆 Thank you for this reminder...I’m going to spend more time being grateful for what is wonderful in my life vs my struggles.

You’re always welcome to post your art for reference in my comments. I adore the moon and devote to watching it rise on full moon evenings. It fills me with awe and a sense of inspiration. I think my name, Cynthia, even has Greek moon goddess roots. And its meaning that you teach me in Tarot, overcoming fears, is exactly my life work, so maybe that’s part of my fascination with that celestial little being.

I saw the last picture as a goof up. I was trying to relax my face for a “good” shot. Thank you for helping me see that there is beauty and “okay-ness” even in what I see as a blooper. You’re so kind, and I’m very glad for your friendship. Hugs

Excellent! I can definitely appreciate the truthfulness and vulnerability of this post. I often struggle with that aspect of writing a blog... It inspires me to also delve deeper and share certain other, less pleasant aspects of my life.

Thanks for the motivation and honesty.

Enjoy the Island life and just keep doing you with confidence!


Thank you for your meaningful comment. And the art is stunning!

Beautiful woman and beautiful wife :D i like you and i like pictures from your husband @sean-king .. I hope you to say Hello to your daughter @claraking

It was hard but good decision to moving to PR this island have a great future. Moreover there is a wonderful scenery there maybe i will join you someday guys

I shear your views

Well you are always welcome to share your beautiful photos with us, actually we should all thank you for sharing with us, and give us the motive to go forward here

you are always pretty and you have always perfect pictures, the best wife on steemit @steemed-open

Awe, thanks. 🙏🏽😊

Very nice! You're photo made me smile tonight. You look gorgeous on that dress and I must say, your facial expression looks so genuine :)

You look pretty in That dress
Are you from peurto rico

we can be anything.
sometimes we become good
sometimes we can be devils.
good post

Pretty girl

So beutifull sister:)

great work and nicely written your personal story shared with us. All the pictures taken by @sean-king are awesome.Best wishes for you and stay blessed.

Sincerely @steemed-open I'm really in love with your openness and sincerity. It's so awesome to know you even deeper.

Have fun and be happy

Thanks my friend. 🙏🏽

Nice pic dear

Life is so much beautiful when you spend it with the person you love.. I'm really glad that you are enjoying your new home.. @sean-king photography skills is exceptional and I follow every single shot that he post... Thank you for been the perfect model for him... I'll visit your blog everyday from today.. Regards

wow. I really like the style of photos, you are very beautiful and sexy, whether you are a model @steemd-open

Triggers? I hope you clear them out quickly. Although I'm not sure exactly what you mean by them. With a calm head, I'm sure you can rationalize through whatever is bothering you at the time. Try to get yourself into that space rational space when you get negative feelings encroaching.

By the way you look great in those photos. And at 47, you're just a kid. Well maybe not a kid. But still hot. And I know you turn heads.
Upvoted you.

science fiction, fantasy, erotica
why don't you stop by again and read some of my posts, I haven't heard from you in a while, your comment and critique would be appreciated no obligation to upvote

Nice photo ,let me tell you you are beautiful and you have a wonderful size

Wonderful post today. Great message. I love the photos as well @steemed-open; a natural woman look. Awesome!

Regarding life I do agree with the 2 steps forward and 1 back concept. It's a baseline average that probably describes most people. I feel like I shoot for the 10 steps forward and 1 back and often realize my goals but because of the risk one takes it's not surprising when one falls hard as well (ie. 10 steps back). I suppose it's what we do in those very moments; how we recover and learn and grow that makes life itself more special.
