
in blog •  6 years ago  (edited)

The triggers are the guides
The triggers are the guides...

Okay I have to say something

I’m getting triggered lots lately everywhere I turn. About many things actually, but one of them is the vilification of sex and expressing sensuality.

For me:
nudity is not bad or wrong + sex is not bad or wrong = nudity with the intention of being sexual is not wrong


I’m not saying every time I take off my tank top and practice yoga in booty shorts I’m trying to turn you on. But what if I was? (Hypothetical) I don’t see that as pathological unless my need of sexual attention was impeding others, my relationships or my quality of life.

Sexuality is a form of expression for me. It’s is a part of me that I will no longer hide. Not holding back the full expression of me is fucking therapy after a life of nipping and tucking parts deemed shameful.


Maybe I’m not trying to be sexy ALL the time, but sex and embracing my inherent sensual nature is very special to me. Sex is the mixing bowl in which the alchemy of change most likely happens for me. I’ve worked thru more shit skin to skin and face to face through my intimate sexual relationships than in any old therapist room ... intimate sexual connection is emotionally charged space. It is a microcosm for the all.


In yoga terms sexual intimacy is like my “on the mat” practice for me. My hope is things I discovered about myself there I take off the mat/out of the bedroom and into the world.

If I’m going to use the word “sacred” for anything, it’s this. Sex is a sacred practice for me. 🙌🏽🙏🏽

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Thank you.





Whatever involves LOVE is sacred. How else can it be? When it's just sex, in my opinion, it's just physical contact and that as a man you can have also with a prostitute, but LOVE is the energy that makes everything sacred and natural, because sacredness is as natural as it can be. It is a misconception that only "some" are destined to experience sacredness and the rest of us, the ordinary who browse on social media or smoke are far from its scent.
One smart guy that I saw talking about sexual continence, or the dry orgasm at men, is Mantak Chia that is a Taoist Master having classes on CHI energy and the control of sexual energy and sexuality in general. If I sparked any interest in this area give him a search. What he is talking about is really a thing that most men and women nowadays haven't even heard off. Sexual energy is one of the most powerful ones in the human condition and it is not "dirty" at all or worthy of stacking it in the closet or behind curtains.

I’m so glad for your thoughts. So please help me understand something...

As you and I have discussed before we see everything as One. There is no separation between anything including beings...that you and I appear separate is an illusion.

I guess what I’m asking is - if everything is One doesn’t that make everything sacred and natural? There can’t be natural vs unnatural of sacred vs secular if it’s all one. Aren’t such labels just our minds’ attempts to categorize what we perceive as reality?

Of course they are. But our talks are on the mind level where there's still sacred and secular, wright and wrong, good and bad, day and night, objectiveness and subjectivity. Until we attain Self realization/Moksha/Nirvana or whatever names has this ultimate state have these are only discussions of our minds and concepts. Ultimately, yeah, everything is One and even a piece of garbage or a thief are sacred.
I for now am still in duality with all of its ups and downs, but I see your point very clear :)

Ah my wise friend. I knew you would understand the dualism at play.

I’ve heard of the dry orgasm but not the Chi master you reference. I admit I’ve long been skeptical of practices minimizing/holding in semenal fluid, because they just sound like some ancient cover story, again, to scare people away from masturbation and sex or make it wrong and lesser than. I don’t know enough about it to judge though, and I’m sure the chi master is wiser than I. 🙏🏽

It's actually a practice of TANTRA YOGA that treats sex as a sacred practice and the retention of the seminal fluid as being essential in such practices.

Yes. Tantra. 🙏🏽 I’m basically a tantrika. Not because I learned and studied the teachings but because this is my life and it’s what I know to be true from experience. Just happen to have a label for that. Tantra. Thanks for reminding me

Truth is, your raw truths and dare minded transparency is really sweet. Sexuality is one aspect people shy away from while trying to play cool so people can approve of them in the society.

Yet they live lives devoid of happiness n real joy. Truly speaking, The exploration of our sexual awareness is the microcosm on which fulfilment of self is predicated.

Most people are of the opinion that most yoga ladies are usually unintentionally sexy even with no intent to be. There was a time I used to feel that yoga was a form of pornography, all that is changed now.

Thanks @steemed-open

Awe, thanks my friend.

I love when I get a panties only practice in. It feels AMAZING. Aside from that, I love these pictures!!

Thanks my friend 😽

Rock on! Love you for expressing yourself so well. Don't let the world change you.

Don’t you worry. I’ve seen through letting the world change me. No risk of that going forward. Thank you my friend.

Yoga isn't about sex.. wtfm808


There is nothing wrong with expressing yourself. Some people can’t handle it because they are not happy with themselves. Glad you have found your harmony.

Thanks! And I’m grateful for your resteem 🙏🏽


Totally agree I get tired of degrading condemnation of sexuality and femininity as if it is dirty. It is sacred.

Thank you brother ✊🏽🙏🏽

Go girl. Be as sacred as you like. I like any time that someone wants to sacred me. Hmmm, sounds like a porn move, if it just had some 70's music in the background :)

Boom chica bow wow... 🎶😉

Damn you're hot.

Sex IS a sacred practice.
I love that you begin your article with "the triggers are the guides". They are!
I thought you may return to your beginning words, instead you went on to explain yourself....
But who needs an explanation?
Will an explanation help anyone who doesn't already understand?

Makes me feel better to express myself, so that’s why I explained. But you’re right I don’t need to explain or justify how I live to anyone. 🙏🏽🙌🏽 But, don’t think this viewpoint I share here is common? So maybe sharing this view will plant a seed in someone else’s mind that sex isn’t always dirty, shameful, and to be hidden, but can be a sacred practice towards self discovery.

Or, if folks disagree and are willing to express that we can have dialogue and refine our views.

Thanks for your comment and support, chica.

I think intimacy, sexuality is what brings people to be more genuine with other. Knowing how we act sexually and intimately is the best way to see where we stand in life. Depending on the situation we have a good understanding with the partner and may it turns into even something bigger than what was foreseen. One of the interesting aspect, is that the quality of the intimacy can be sexual, hugging, caressing, massaging each other has a very positive impact on the body when things are going in a perfect chemistry.
You said it helped you more than any other therapy, I can only agree about it for my case. I think that this endeavour has the best impact on personal development than any other therapy, coaching or other things existing. The more you spent time with somebody you share intimacy with the better you feel and if you can also give back to the person it is even more beautiful and lifts us up.
I could not imagine any longer a life wihtout intimacy and sexuality, because it makes me feel right and my partner also enjoys it (she told me) and teaches me to be more relaxed and let things go when it matters. She just changed my paradigm and life in a way she cannot ever imagine.

That’s true. Intimacy can come in many forms besides sexual. But I’ve found the sexual approach to be most intense and impactful, at least if you have a healthy self aware partner(s).

I LOVE THIS POST and this sentiment. What I really dislike is people making sex into an off-limits, negative, or otherwise socially distasteful thing. If you want to be sexual, why not? What's wrong with that? It bothers me so much that people have such a problem there, so it's so great that you are getting this perspective out there. xoxoxoxo

Thanks you my friend. For me, sex is one of the most important things that contribute to quality of life and, frankly, is telling about your quality of life. Happy humping 😉

¡Oh, y muchos besos!