in blog •  10 months ago 


12 AND if you are not FAITHFUL with other people’s things, why should you be TRUSTED with things of your OWN?
13 “NO ONE CAN SERVE TWO MASTERS. For you will HATE one and LOVE the other; you will be DEVOTED to one and DESPISE the other. YOU CANNOT SERVE GOD AND BE ENSLAVED TO MONEY.”
Luke 16:10-13 (NLT)

• True wisdom on finances comes through the Word of God only.

  • Jesus said, being a good stewardship of money is a prerequisite for being used by God for greater things (Luke 16:10,11).
  • If the church will prosper materially and spiritually, the funds channel through it must be managed properly.
  • There must be a balance, because too much attention on money will make the church a servant to materialism.

• Management. If the Believers did really believe God owns everything, then they must manage their finances according to His principles.

  • After you had given your tithes and offerings; Prophet Offerings, Offerings to the Needy, What should you do with the surpluses?
  • The surpluses should not be wasted, it should be invested to multiply your resources for Giving:
    "GOD gives SEED to the farmer and FOOD to those who need to eat. GOD WILL ALSO GIVE YOU SEED AND MULTIPLY IT. IN your lives HE WILL INCREASE THE THINGS [the works] YOU DO THAT HAVE HIS APPROVAL" (2 Corinthians 9:10 GOD’S WORD Translation).
  • You supposed not to be on the same level of Giving, and if your level of Giving would change, you have to Invest.
  • Your income that is sufficient today might not be sufficient tomorrow, Thus Invest the surpluses you have today.
  • Establish a basic standard of living for yourself and your family. Do not be impulsive or rash; when you have a raise, it does not mean you should change your standard of living immediately.
  • For you to experience financial rest, invest in your year of surplus. Joseph suggested to Pharaoh that they should save one fifth, twenty percent, of what they got at the time of surplus.
    THAT actually help them as a nation at the time of famine. The then known world came to buy food from them at the time of famine (Genesis 41:33-36).
  • God wants to raise Kingdom financiers, those whom He would channel the resources needed by the church through.
    AND whoever would be among the people that would be used for such a purpose must have proven to be faithful and prudent in spending, and a good manager of the resources which had passed through his or her hand before.
  • If you were not faithful in that little which God had earlier given to you, you definitely would not be faithful in MUCH (Matthew 25:21,23; Luke 16:10).
  • For you not to beg later, you invest at the time of surplus (Proverbs 20:4).
  • Whatever God has blessed you with presently, is a test, and how you manage it determines what God would do for you next—the level He would put you.
  • God gave favour to the Israelites in the sights of their Egyptian neighbours when they wanted to leave Egypt, and they left the land with abundance (Exodus 3:21,22; 11:3; 12:35,36).
  • One of the reasons why the abundance was given to them, the Israelites, was; God wanted them to build a tabernacle for Him in the wilderness—on their way to the promise land (Exodus 35:20-24).

• lnvestment.
(i) If you are investing your money, be sure to do on what you have knowledge of—what you know about.
a. Seldom would anyone be duped in get-rich-quick scheme on what such knows about—his or her area of expertise.
b. The vast majority of people who make money do so in the field in which they have the most training and experience (Proverbs 13:11; 20:21). Thus, Do not risk borrowed money on what you did not know about.
(ii) Do not borrow money to Invest. The down payment of any investment should not be borrowed.
YOU can only finance, leverage, an investment when you have adequate value to cover any liability.
(iii) Do not make quick decisions:
"BE still in the presence of the Lord, and WAIT PATIENTLY FOR HIM TO ACT. DON'T WORRY about evil people who prosper or FRET ABOUT THEIR WICKED SCHEMES" (Psalm 37:7 NLT).

"GOOD planning and hard work lead to prosperity, BUT HASTY SHORTCUTS LEAD TO POVERTY."
Proverbs 21:5 (NLT)

(iv) Seek good counsel (Proverbs 12:15).
Good, objective Christian counsel should be a prerequisite to any major financial decision.
a. Someone who is not emotionally involved with get-rich-quick scheme can spot whatever the flaws quickly.
b. One of the best sources of counsel is a PROVEN servant of God.

• To avoid financial traps.

  • Establish your standards through God's Word.
  • Seek God's plan for your life.
  • Stick with what you know.
  • Seek good counsel.
  • Wait on God's peace on the inside of you, before you act or take any step (Proverbs 10:22).

• Kingdom Investments

  • Your relationship with God should be strong and cordial, for you to know what to do about any Investment.
  • If you build a strong relationship and fellowship with God, you will know how to Invest your money through the leading of the Holy Spirit.
  • That being said, First and foremost, the foundation for prosperity of any Believer is Kingdom Investment.
  • If you Invested in God's Kingdom, He will give you wisdom on how to Invest wisely in whatever Business you wanted to.
  • The Holy Spirit will lead you the way to go and how to make profit:
    "THUS says the LORD, your Redeemer, The Holy One of Israel: “I AM the LORD your God, WHO TEACHES YOU TO PROFIT, WHO LEADS YOU BY THE WAY YOU SHOULD GO" (Isaiah 48:17 NKJV).
  • Kingdom Investment is a mystery—a hidden truth. If you had passion for God and His Kingdom on earth, He cannot but repay you or compensate you:
    "BUT first, BE CONCERNED ABOUT HIS KINGDOM AND WHAT HAS HIS APPROVAL [His righteousness]. THEN ALL THESE THINGS [the material things] WILL BE PROVIDED FOR YOU" (Matthew 6:33 — GOD’S WORD Translation).

• When you made money, especially substantial amount, you would need to ask God about how to spend it.

  • The money possibly had been made available for a particular purpose. Thus, for you not to eat your seed, that is, the money you supposed to sow, you would have to ask God.
  • Out of your income, whatever money provided for you, the Tithes should be considered first, then, the Givings or offerings: to the servants of God, and the Needy, particularly those of the household of faith, and the MISSION work, plus other Projects.
  • If you do not give priority to Kingdom Investment, you could have problems financially.
  • If you did not spend the money channeled through you, as instructed or commanded by God, your Business investment could SUFFER.

• Money is spiritual. It flows in the direction WHERE it was programmed to go from the spirit realm.

  • Avoid get-rich-quick quick schemes, follow and practice the covenant principles of the Kingdom, Givings—that you may prosper in God's own way.
  • You can only succeed financially as a Believer in Christ Jesus through the practice of Kingdom principle of Giving and other principles mentioned in the Scripture.
  • Believers, Christians, are meant to prosper through their obedience to the Word of God, that is, practicing the principles mentioned in the Bible (James 1:22,25).
  • The making of a Believer, a child of God, is by covenant, through the practicing of the Word of God, and NOT by toiling or struggling.

• You will not fail in Jesus' name.

  • Should there be any sickness in your body, receive your healing now in Jesus' name.
  • Whatever is contrary to your health is rebuked and uprooted in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
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