RE: What is it with men and thrill seeking?

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What is it with men and thrill seeking?

in blog •  7 years ago 

very much so! we need to keep out fingers out of the electric socket LOL

I think that's why I'm concerned with personality as a cause; nature, nurture, personal experience, peer pressure, etc etc...all cooking up an individual who doesn't always react the way the textbook says he should

how about this example?
a guy with a self-confidence at exactly 50% asks a chick out
she says yes, his confidence goes up, the next chick is more likely to say yes to him, and so on, and he ends up womanizing for s&g's
she says no, he is shaky asking the next chick out, she also says no, and the self-reinforcing cycle forces him into a life of dungeons and dragons (j/k, I used top play d&d, ans I did see a naked woman, once LOL)

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