Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 01/24/18 > Incompetence abounds in my world…..

in blog •  7 years ago 

Part of being a kid and growing up entails having pets, and when you have more than one kid the chances are you will end up with more than one pet in the house. Seeing that we have four kids we have quite a few pets, here is a quick rundown: 2 dogs, 1 cat, 2 turtles, and 2 guinea pigs currently. We also have had the misfortune of a couple of the pets passing away on us, a bird a few years ago and Mrs. Knibbles, a guinea pig, back in September of last year.

Blondie is my oldest daughter and her pet guinea pig was a sibling to Mrs. Knibbles, goes by the name Percy. Well Percy stopped eating and drinking water last Thursday, so a trip to the vet was in order. This is the same vet who treated Mrs. Knibbles before he died, yes that is not a typo, he is correct. Percy is also a male, but when my wife and Blondie took Percy to the vet on Friday the vet said Percy is a female.

The vet concluded that since we had gotten a male to replace Mrs. Knibbles as company for Percy that Percy is probably pregnant and her body is adjusting and she will start eating again. Blondie had insisted that the problem was Percy’s back teeth bothering it, the vet looked at the teeth and said nothing wrong with the teeth. Take some of this special “critical care” feed and mix and give it to by syringe 3 times a day plus syringe water as well until it starts eating and drinking again on its own.
So all weekend long and Monday, Blondie has nursed the guinea pig along with food and water, still insisting it was the back teeth causing the problem. The vet called on Monday to check on Percy about three in the afternoon. My wife said that she asked the vet again about the back teeth, since my wife had gone online all weekend researching symptoms and causes of the loss of eating and drinking and she had found exactly as Blondie had said. The vet told my wife that she couldn’t see the back teeth because guinea pigs back teeth are hard to see without using some scope that she didn’t have. The vet then suggested that we might want to take Percy to an exotic animal specialist.

So the search was on for a vet that specialized in exotics, specifically guinea pigs, and we were able to find one who was able to see Percy on Tuesday. By then, Percy is really weak and dehydrated, despite Blondie’s efforts; Percy was just not getting enough water. So, the vet examined Percy, the back teeth were definitely the problem, and x-rays confirmed exactly what the vet saw. Since Percy’s condition was so weak, they had to give a couple I V’s before they could sedate the guinea pig and work on the teeth. Then Percy had to spend a couple hours in recovery before the wife and Blondie could take Percy home.

To make matters worse I am out of town this week, so the wife has to handle this situation on her own, and she is emotionally spent along with Blondie and Shortie. I’m not going to go through the whole Mrs. Knibbles story again, but for those of you who have been with me you know how tough that was on Shortie. I am generally an optimistic guy, but in this case my optimism is waning. Between the weakened condition and the stress of the procedure along with pain killers and anti-bionics, I don’t know that Percy will survive this situation.

The first vet’s office staff had told my wife they treat guinea pigs with teeth issues “all the time” so being close by we felt that was an advantage. This same vet was the one that told us Mrs. Knibbles was a male and upon closer inspection by my daughters they confirmed that, the girls had also confirmed that Percy was a male about the same time. The astonishing part is that this same vet said Percy is a female and guessing “pregnant”, well the vet who worked on the teeth confirmed Percy is a male, complete with two balls to go along with that pecker.

I am convinced that the first vet doesn’t know a damn thing about guinea pigs. Getting the sex correct is a 50 / 50 proposition, but to say pregnant when obviously the vet couldn’t be positive about the sex is insane. Secondly, saying the teeth were “okay” when Blondie told her specifically the back teeth were the concern, when she never even looked at the back teeth is malpractice in my book. Why would the vet say that in the office that Friday and then on Monday on the phone say she didn’t look at the back teeth?
Like I said, I’m not optimistic on Percy surviving this episode, but regardless of the outcome I will be writing a letter to the Texas State Board of Veterinary Medicine and registering a complaint against the first vet. All that office needed to do was tell us that they didn’t have the expertise and the experience and we would have searched for a vet that did. Had we gotten Percy to this second vet on Friday I would be feeling a lot better about Percy’s chances of making it through this situation.

Looking back on Mrs. Knibbles situation I would bet all I have that her back teeth were her problem as well and not the upper respiratory infection the vet diagnosed her with. I also wish we had saved the medicine that she prescribed for Mrs. Knibbles so I could check that out, Mrs. Knibbles died about 15 minutes after being given the medicine and it wouldn’t surprise me if the medicine killed her.

So right now as it stands we spent $125.00 at the first vet, $355.00 at the second vet and we have a guinea pig that probably won’t survive the night according to what my wife is telling me. I do know that those guinea pigs have been well cared for and loved by my girls and had the first vet been competent or at least honest things might have been completely different for both Mrs. Knibbles and Percy.

I‘ll let you know how this comes out in a future daily dose.
Update : I was just about to post this and my phone rang, Pecry just died in my wife’s lap as she was giving her water by syringe. RIP Percy.
Until next time,

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Makes you wonder if that doc knows anything about cats & dogs...
Sorry to hear that you guys lost another pet..

Thanks DC, my daughter is devastated right now and I'm not there which has me upset as well. Hey on a good note though I got to play cards with Lida, she's a good poker player.

I heard about that... Cool... :)

Ask her about her pair of queens she slowed played me on. I was hoping it would be me and her as the final two but we missed it by one spot, maybe next time.

I know about the Q's... I guess being the first time with you at the table, she was playing it nice, and she lost.
I'm sure there will be more chances down the road...

RIP Percy
I imagine your seriously considering changing vets not being able to tell the sex of a pet is a bad sign
My thoughts with your daughter she must be so upset

Thanks Jay. Blondie is very upset , she was the owner of the bird that passed way a few years ago so she has experienced losing a pet once but it doesn't make it any easier. Her knowing the signs of it being a tooth problem and the vet not telling us the truth that she never looked at the back teeth until Monday has all of us very upset.
We have one guinea pig left, the first vet will never see that one you can rest assured on that, our vet we use for the dogs and cat doesn't treat guinea pigs. The wife and I made the mistake of trusting the vet over our daughter's diagnosis. We flat blew it, but when you know nothing about the subject and you have two differing opinions one from a licensed, practicing vet with a college and vet med school post graduate degree and a thirteen year old girl with two years experience as a guinea pig owner, I would think most people would tend to go with the vet's diagnosis.

It’s understandable she is upset and again for her so sad

And understandable to trust the vet

@sultnpapper Oh my goodness. Firstly, I am so sorry for your loss :( As a child we had a pair of guinea pigs who grew up together and sadly a short time after the female died, the male did from pining away and not wanting to eat. However in reading this, it could've been because of his teeth too.

As for the first vet, they clearly have no clue when it comes to treating small pets and should've directed you to an exotic vet in the first place especially when they couldn't even sex poor Percy. I hope that you do write a letter of compliant and post a review warning others not to take small pets there.

As a mum I've had deal with the passing of various pets and it's never easy on the children or us as adults, but as you know Blondie will get over it. It will take time, many tears and lots of hugs. Maybe some consolation is that Mrs. Knibbles and Percy are running around together again.

Thanks @redwellies, this is Blondie's second pet death experience she lost the bird a couple years ago not that it makes it any easier, but we will be able to judge how she is doing with it based on the first experience as we go forward. I have never posted a bad review online for anything, but that maybe a consideration. I will write a letter to the State Board of Examiners asking them to review this vet. The doctor evidently is not willing to pass up an examination fee when clearly they have to know they are out of their realm of competence with these animals.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

That’s so sad! I was hopeful that he might pull through..most vets are specialists in cats and dogs..thats where the money is and it is the most common animal. I learned this when one of my birds got sick and I was told that there is nothing they can do since they only work on cats and dogs. I told them to stop calling themselves veterinarians, but rather cat and dog doctor( which I’m sure they suck at as well). You should write that letter and ask some questions. Percy would definitely have survived if the 1st doctor knew what he was doing. I feel like he didn’ t take into consideration the teeth situation because it came from a little girl. In his arrogance he forgot the fact that the girl knew more about the pets behavior than anybody else..he also forgot to learn anything in vet school about guinea pigs..

The part that is most disturbing, well it is all disturbing, but that we specifically asked about the back teeth and the vet said the teeth are fine. That is the a huge problem for me, had the vet said I can't see the back teeth and explained that we would have immediately started looking for another vet who could, that is the part that doesn't sit well, aside from all the other mistakes.

RIP Percy! Oh, what a horrific scene to be replayed again for your family. That is so sad that a vet would treat rather than show his ignorance on a diagnosis and be too proud to pass it over to another vet.

Hugs to your family.

Thanks Denise. I have to believe that the money is more important to this vet than the animal or the little girl who owned the pet. As big as an area that we live, near Houston, there are only three vet clinics that specialize in exotic animals in the Houston area, I never looked at guinea pigs as exotic but evidently they are. Might also be why the guinea pigs have a short life expectancy because once they show signs of illness the window of opportunity to treat them is very short from what we have learned.

Well, admittedly, that is a hard row to hoe. I lived in San Antonio for a while and we had the most awesome exotic vet. They are out there, but, never when you need one.

Oy... This is a troubling story indeed, and somehow not surprising... Makes me wonder if I should always be getting the opinion of multiple doctors. In this case it is clearly incompetence, but in other situations a second look could reveal something entirely different... Though you would think maybe they would distribute the weight of a diagnosis to begin with.

Like I told Denise in the above comment there are only three vet clinics in the Houston area that specialize in exotic pets so getting a second opinion isn't as easy as one would expect. As far as for a human second opinions are generally easier to get but be prepared for a lot of out of pocket expenses. Now it seems every doctor wants to run a whole battery of tests each time they see a patient for even the smallest thing and most insurance companies will only cover one set of tests, and most doctors won't except test results from other doctors tests that they had ordered. We have gone through that scenario plenty times in the past with the kids.

Hey @sultnpapper, that's really sad to hear. My condoleances, especially to your daughter. Hopefully she'll find some distraction from her optimistic Dad :). I can fully understand the disappointment in the first vet. Those are pretty big mistakes.

Thanks @jeanlucsr, she has gone through this before in losing a pet. It will take some time but she will be okay. She can at least have comfort in knowing she was able to diagnose the problem correctly, even though the first vet couldn't and she at least knew the sex of the pet,

True. That she was able to diagnose it herself is pretty cool.

I'm so sorry for your loss. Thats so frustrating! If you don't know what you're doing just say so. I'm sure Percy knew he was loved.

Thanks Lizelle. It is frustrating for sure, and now I have to wrestle with if I should leave a bad review on Yelp or some similar review site. I never have done that in the past on any business but the public should be informed, so I will contemplate on that. I will be sending a letter to the State Dept. of Vet Medicine, if a vet is going to treat an animal the vet should at least be able to properly determine the sex of the patient.

So sorry about Percy mr Papper & I hope you write that letter! It really annoys me when professional people take on cases in which they have no expertise, be it the vet, the doctor or whatever! And the vet ignored Blondie :(

Thanks Lizelle, it will be written to the state board. It may not result in any action against the vet but at least I will have done my part to help get the ship sailing in the right direction.

This is horrible. Vets are like doctors. Not all of them are qualified to take out the garbage let alone treat the sick and injured. I feel sorry for the kids. They did what they could. First vet needs to be sued for malpractice and loss of family pet.

Not big on going to court over the matter but I do feel that this first vet needs to be called in by the board of Vet Medicine and asked some questions regarding what she knows and what she doesn't know.
The girls will be okay in time, just a little blue right now, and I am also as well.