Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 05/08/19> Inspiration comes in many forms…even words said jokingly.

in blog •  7 years ago 

Yesterday I ended up getting side tracked as has been known to happen with me, and to follow a quote from the famous Yogi Berra of baseball fame, “When you come to a fork in the road, take it.” So I’m taking it, I may have forked up yesterday but only time will tell.

I joked about starting my own church yesterday, The Church of Sult N Papper, well I am semi-seriously considering it now. When I first told my family that I was going to start blogging they said, “yea,right.” Well eight months later, without missing a day, I think I can say I am a “blogger”, not a very good one but what the hell, there are plenty of people who get a small pay check from being third string on some pro football team that are considered professional football players and nobody argues with them about it just because they are not the star player or even a first string player.

So, I can start my own church and I’ll be the preacher, I may not be a bible scholar but it doesn’t mean I don’t know the bible or have my own thoughts on it, because I do. The fact is that there isn’t even a consensus among the people who are bible scholars or the people who print the bible as to what the bible says or means, otherwise there wouldn’t fifty different versions of the bible printed in English.

Honestly I have had some issues with some of the “establishment religions” simply because they use fear to get people in their pews. Do you honestly believe that an all powerful and loving being would have his “disciples”, who are to spread his word, scaring people into adopting his teachings? I don’t think so, if fear is part of the religion, I want no part of it.

So, The Church of Sult N Papper will be a non-denominational church if I decide to actually form a church. I promise I won’t be using fear either to press a tithing out of you. Unlike all those televangelists you see on TV and hear on the radio I’ll tell you I am in it for the money, why lie? They couldn’t care less about your spiritual well being, but they sure care about your tithing habits. I’ll care about both, when you are blessed and your spirit is clean and pure, blessings flow to you and from you. If, I am helping keep your spirit tuned and in tip top shape why shouldn’t I get a few SBD’s thrown my way. It is no different than rewarding a good blog post.

If the message on any particular week doesn’t resonate with you don’t drop anything in the collection plate. Try that in the local church you belong too, there have been weeks that when the collection plate came by me I thought about picking a $10 bill out and putting it in my shirt pocket. I shouldn’t have to hear repeat sermons for the third time in three years since the minister was hired into our church. They should have been paying me to sit there and listen to that dribble, not me paying them and their expenses, which seems to continue to grow each and every year.

I am a simple kind of fellow, I don’t need or want some $10 million house that takes up a city block, but I wouldn’t mind having a couple sections out in far southwest Texas with a modest ranch house and good water well and barn. I would also like the fact that I could dedicate more time to my writing, ranting and preaching, in that order.

So let me give it some more consideration, in the mean time , I have selected a deacon for the church and will have to keep him taken care of as well, so feel free to transfer any steem or sbd you might be willing to tithe to my wallet, the address is @sultnpapper for now.

Unti next time,


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id go to that church..... sometimes. 😉

I think I am just gonna keep preaching like I am doing now and leave all the Amens and Hallelujahs out of it for the time being. I have a country to save over here, so there will be some souls saved either way.
But I appreciate your willingness to attend and support it.

I get so disgusted with the righteous preachers who demand the poor tithe so that they can live in mansions, have expensive trucks with chauffers, and take world tours. Here it is a joke. People say they are going to start the Church of Jesus Christ Not Again just because the poor are tapped out and tired of the fear if they don't they will end up going to the hot place...

Yes, pretty ironic that the ones who are "sent to do the Lords work" end up with all the money, when the Lord was about doing for others not taking from others.
Fear has no place in religion in my mind, but that is how I see it.

Fear is a powerful motivator and these preachers know how to wield it.

They couldn’t care less about your spiritual well being, but they sure care about your tithing habits. I’ll care about both

Funny but very sensible. I wish you well.

I'm @tomfreeman!

Yes @tomfreeman it is kind of funny in a way, But we don't have any problem with doctors who seem too always have their office staff want to know "how are you going to pay for this appointment" or "what medical insurance do you have" before the doctor even examines you. So in a sense the doctor is concerned with both, ie; well being and tithing (paying)
So as a preacher I might just have to consider myself a "doctor of the spirit or soul", which then could lead to whole another business opportunity, selling "soul insurance or spiritual health coverage insurance". I'm liking this more already as my wife already has her state issued license to sell insurance.
That way if a member of the congregation needs more attention than just the weekly Sunday church services, the insurance will kick in and help cover any individual counselling or soul saving, with just a minimal co-pay of course.


I'll beg you not to do it just for the money no matter how "lucrative" you think it would be. Your points are valid...but you don't have to join the crowd.

I did a post today about standing tall among the crowds. Please do well to read it here. It may be useful.

I'm @tomfreeman!

I'll check it out, thanks.

Sheeps went to church for a 1000+ years, faithfully,but it was out of fear,not faith or believes... You could not read, even if you could, not aloud to touch the Scriptures, and when you went to church, it was all in Latin... so, everyone understood shit... but..
These days should be even easier to start a church... they have access to everything, yet can't help but to be dumb... Wish you luck! :))

I remember the Latin church services when I was a kid, looking back on it now it was crazy that we were "worshiping" in a language we could not even understand and we would butcher the words when we tried to speak it.

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