Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 05/11/18> In search of Pandora’s Box… I’ve gotten close.

in blog •  6 years ago 

There are a lot of sayings that can be used when a person starts digging around and looking for things that are best left alone. Any of you who are regulars to my daily dose column already know that I have a tendency at times to bring things up that most people would rather not hear for some reason or another. I don’t know if that is because if they would actually learn something from it, then they might be inclined to do something with regard to what they learned or they would have to ignore it and live with the guilt of being too lazy to do something with the knowledge.

The actual digging around and sharing could be called “opening a can of worms” in some cases, but are worms really such a bad thing? If you or your pet has them in your intestinal tract then I would I agree that is a bad thing. I hate to watch people scratching their ass in public or the dog dragging theirs across the floor because they have worms.

On the other hand, worms can be a good thing, there have been plenty of times that I have been fishing and would have paid a premium price for a big can of fresh worms. Fish really seem to like fresh live worms, I don’t know exactly why, but when most of the artificial bait isn’t working, a live worm will.

But I didn’t mean to make this about worms, scratching asses, or catching fish so let’s get back to the subject, sayings.

Another saying for that digging around and sharing something that might be best left alone is “opening Pandora’s box”. I always had heard that term used and I know that it has something to do with mythology and the goddess Pandora. I also know that her box wasn’t a box but was a clay container but over the years and in translating from one language to another the container ended up being called a box and it has just kind of stuck with it since then.

Pandora’s box in mythology contained all kinds of sickness, disease, death and other evils. When she opened it those things all escaped into the world, had she left the box closed who knows what the world would be like today. But again, it is only a myth, so ….

The meaning as I understand the saying now is that to open a “Pandora’s box” is to start something that might cause some problems that would otherwise not happen. Basically exposing things that could cause some problems even if those problems might be unforeseen by the person doing the exposing.

Well all of that kind of sounds like me, and as luck would have it, I just happened to be traveling through Pandora on Thursday so I thought I would try and pick up some Pandora’s boxes, just have a couple to put on my shelf in case I need them in the future. The problem is the town of Pandora is so small I couldn’t even find a store there, let alone a store that sold the famous, Pandora’s boxes.

The only businesses that I could find was a church and another building that looked like a church building but didn’t have a sign on it. There was one other little building and that building was a United States Post Office facility. Yes, the little town of Pandora has its own post office and zip code. Well that got me to thinking, which can be dangerous, that this might be a great business opportunity location for old sultnpapper when I decide to pick up the family and move.

I could buy me a piece of land right there on the edge of town and start making and selling Pandora’s boxes. I could fill them with whatever the customer desires and ship them out from the post office, complete with the US postage mark, Pandora, TX. 78143. Now I didn’t know the zip code so I did have to look that up when I started writing this, well low and behold Pandora actually has two zip codes the second one is 78160. This town is about the size of my thumb nail and I would guess the population can’t be more than 100 to 200 folks so why does it need two zip codes?

On my next trip through Pandora I will have to go inside that post office and inquire about that two zip code thing, it might just be that I open a real “Pandora’s box” when I do that….

Until next time

All Photos Are The Property Of : @sultnpapper


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Looks like you may have a business opportunity there, @sultnpapper! Perhaps you'll even have your own postal code, just to confuse matters more.

Ha Ha Ha, that would be a good one, my own postal code. I think there might just be an opportunity there as well, not a big one but one just the same.

I'm sitting here trying to think of an appropriate saying for this and I'm coming up pretty blank. "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth", doesn't really seem to get it. "Dark as the inside of a cow" was my Grandmother's favorite as I remember and that really doesn't go anywhere either.

Anything I could say about the post office might open the can you spoke of, but here goes. My zip is served by a small post office that is actually located in the next zip. It's on the west side of the street that divides the two, so is technically in 85365. But it doesn't serve 85365 at all. My buddy lives about 3 blocks from that post office but has to go all the way into town for any PO business because that particular one only serves 85367. It is bureaucratic efficiency at it's absolute finest.

Which makes me think that Pandora, TX is probably best served having two zip codes so both residents of the town could be assured Postal Service no matter their location. Probably another burst of bureaucratic effeciency.

For the record: It is dark as the inside of a cow at my place. The little teeny bit of moon that is left before the new moon is no where to be seen.

I've seen that inefficiency before in other forms of government as well, in fact I watched my brother in laws house burn to the ground while the two volunteer fire departments argued about which fire department should put out the fire because his house was right on the dividing line between the districts, it was 4:00 in the morning and they were lucky to get out alive, finally a sheriff showed up and took charge but it was a total loss by then.
The more I think about this Pandora thing the more I am liking it, and that other building that looked like a church might could come into play too, I wonder if it might be for sale.

I looked Pandora up on Google Maps. There is a picture of a tile welcome to the Pandora Bank.

The point being, I might come home that way this summer. That's a long stretch maybe, but I maybe have to take a look.

There might be, I didn't see it but that doesn't mean much , usually I'm going to fast to even see. I actually went right thru town on US87 and when I got to the next town which is Nixon, I decided to turn around and go back to get the photos. I need to slow it down a little, but I know that town doesn't have any cops, so....

You'd definitely be opening up a Pandoras box if you told your girls you were moving there mr Papper!

They might not be a big fan of mine but I am the king until I say otherwise, at least I would have genuine Pandora's box if I did.

I enjoyed reading it and to be honest I would start making and selling these boxes at once (great gift) and think out something special to hide inside

You never know, I might see what I can do, not sure how many people would want their own Pandora's box, but I know that it would make a good gag gift for sure if priced right.

If people sell a stone as a pet this one will sell for sure!

Well, can't be so sure on that one, when that pet rock craze was going on I tried selling "pet rock food" but that didn't go over real well. Those little plastic baggies of sand were easily duplicated, but with this it will be a little more difficult to come up with a whole town named Pandora.

Perhaps human rock food would have worked... making stone soup, being busy and losing weight... I got the idea you will find a way to sell Panora..

I have been rolling it around in my mind and I think I may have a model that can work, need to work on business plan for it and see how it looks on paper.

I hope to hear more about it in time and if you ship overseas :)

Shipping overseas might get tricky using the US postal service, and the postage mark is what would give it that "extra touch" of genuineness. If it shipped Fedex or UPS or DHL it wouldn't have the post mark.

Here, I thought for sure when you brought up the post office, you were going to say you picked up a box from them and call it good enough. Haha, I was wrong.

The post office was closed for lunch or I would have gone inside just to see if they rented P.O. Boxes, I was thinking I would rent one and have my own official "Pandora's Box" and I probably will next time through there.