A quick tip on how to bring in economy to your writing - sequel to 'less is more.'

in blog •  7 years ago  (edited)


I have had the tendency to write too much when it is not needed or is irrelevant. This is what I did and it helped me a lot and could help you:

"think each word you write is a hundred bucks."

Well... there's a problem. People do blow money and I am no exception. ;)

Good luck!

I have purchased all the images and I have the rights to use them commercially.(Photo source: https://getstencil.com/?tap_a=9103-1801f8&tap_s=200974-3b53a9 )

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Nice :)


I like to give lots of details, so my writings are always longer than they probably should be. I do avoid fluff though...I want my reader to be informed without being bored to death!

That makes sense indeed!

but then, you're not giving much back to us if you don't bless us with your words, no? I'm here for the 'less is more' priniciple, since I offer a ton of images, being a photog and what not.

That makes perfect sense. :)