My Thoughts On Faraday Speaks - Daily Blog Challenge (Day 4)

in blog •  6 years ago 

I'd like to share my thoughts on a new YouTuber called Faraday Speaks. Like most of you who already know who he is, he popped into my YouTube recommended videos about a month ago. He's a former alt-righter who "defected" and came back to the left. He seems to be quite progressive to me, but according to his last video, he's pro-gun.

What fascinates me about him, aside from his journey, is that he came into public awareness in the worst way possible. This is something I've heard consistently from many experts on YouTube growth: if your very first video goes viral, you're screwed! You just won't be ready for all that attention. Faraday Speaks is definitely an example of that. However, what he's doing is really important! I'm firm believer in free speech, but the bottom line is I don't want the alt-right to grow. Faraday can be a useful resource in hindering their growth. His defection seems to be genuine. It's both fascinating and endearing for me to watch him grow into the role that he's in.

What annoys me is that he consistently implies that there's some kind of pipeline that automatically funnels people from libertarianism to the alt-right. Many of the videos that YouTube recommended to me after watching his initial video also make this assertion. But that's the thing: no matter what I think of the assertions, I really love that, through his video, I'm now exposed to an entire subculture of left-wing YouTubers. I vlogged about this three years ago! Echo chambers make you weak! Of all the YouTubers I've been exposed to (they call themselves BreadTubers), I've discovered one that I really enjoy. He's wrong, but his content is enjoyable. I hope there'll be more.

What do you do to make sure that your regularly exposed to opinions you disagree with? Any YouTube channels or podcasts you'd recommend? Let me know in the comments down below. See you soon!

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I dunno, I just follow all sorts of people. On Youtube and Dtube. Some of my own opinions are contradictory to others I have. Perhaps my cognitive dissonance is a hood thing? 🤣 I follow people who are progun. I don't get why it can't be just pro protection and defense, because you know my stance on modern weapons. I'm literally the person who goes for a walk with elf ears on, and I just prefer the medieval weapons. On other political views, I follow all sorts of people too. I believe that it's all very polarising how politicians divide people with these black and white views, as opposed to colouring in the grey areas and finding the compromise and circumstancial exceptions to bring people together.

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  ·  6 years ago (edited)

"Fun" fact: Day 5 is written and ready but I can't post it because I don't have enough bandwidth. 🙄