Eclipse Trip 2017

in blog •  8 years ago 

Hello again Steemit!

It's been a while since I posted, but I was on the road for my Total Eclipse Tour 2017!

This is my first travel blog ever, and now that I'm writing it, I see that I didn't take very many pictures...

It was a fun trip, and a very strange one.

My travelling partner for this trip was my dear friend Dolo. She drove the whole time and our trip hit 5 states!

I had been watching lots of Star Trek : The Next Generation before we left, and while on the road I referred to her as Captain and she called me Number One.
"Would you like some water Captain?"
"Yes Number One, make it so."


We went to Lexington, Missouri to experience the eclipse totality.
This town was small enough that traffic wouldn't be a problem, but it was big enough that it had a place we could eat.
Lexington itself was a pretty interesting place. There is cannonball that is still lodged in their courthouse from the Civil War.

Cannonball in the Courthouse

waiting for the eclipse2.jpg

I didn't get any pictures of the totality of the eclipse, but this is a picture of when the sun just started coming back. The sun itself appears to be whole, but it was actually a tiny crescent.
For some reason, the tiny crescent shape showed up toward the bottom of the image. Not sure why that happened...


After the eclipse, we headed to Eureka Springs, Arkansas, my favorite place on Earth.
This was a weird time to be there, as the people of Eureka Springs are normally the most fun loving, accepting people that I have seen. This time that wasn't exactly true... I guess the aftermath of the eclipse hit them too. I didn't take very many pictures there, but I did get one of the skinks.

All along the sidewalks there were these little lizards - Five Lined Skinks. They were so cool!

This is some kind of weird mushroom thing...

I might write later about the bizarre interactions with people in Eureka Springs, and I will definitely write more about my love for it and what that place means to me.

Blessings to you Steemit!

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Lexington sounds like an interesting place. I grew up in the Kansas City Mo. area, but have not found my way to Lexington yet. Sounds like you had a fun trip #1. :-)

We stayed the night in Kansas City and headed East in the morning.
Lexington was a far more interesting place than I expected. We were pretty much like "I bet we can eat here... lets just stop in this town"
The Civil War history is something that a Minnesota boy never gets to see.

Apparently Jesse James did a robbery there and got shot in the lung.

Yes. The Great "Northfield Minnesota Raid!" That one did go badly for the James gang. Those old country boys did not expect to see big city vaults with time activated locks. They probably were hoping for a simple safe they could drag behind their horses. James is one of our old Missouri legends. :-)

Looks like u had a blast! I love that cloud picture! :)

Thanks. Almost all of the pictures I took on the trip were of clouds. That picture was my favorite.
Your video was on time for me, because now that this trip is over, I'm looking at everything else I want to accomplish this year!

Very nice photo.

Nice pictures you got there! Nicely done:)

Thank you! I only have my phone to take pictures with, but it's a galaxy S5:)

excellent clicks at the nature