To move from this city, turn traitor, felt unfamiliar like a warm day in New England.
This evening rain crashes down, autumn beasts, and thunder rumbles as the cacophony orchestrates a sonic massage. It seemed that Hurricane Dorian could make her presence felt long after landfall, as a notification alerted to the epicenter’s wake in the Bahamas. Perhaps, the entire eastern seaboard ducks for cover tonight from Florida north. While the changing climes held this artist at bay, unable to correspond for collaboration, creatives steadily made waves in their own manner, much like the weather system. Experience led this aesthete to come across many who choose a different city for their endeavors. I challenge this bias of locations with every fiber of my being. Take the five most populous cities and throw in Boston, for good measure. In this example, New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, Phoenix, and Boston feature an even spread of visionaries and creatives. If by some happenstance, Boston benefits from a caravan of talent and their arrival to the city, the space for creativity will improve as creators (1) are exposed to more ideas and techniques and (2) can share resources like studios, print shops and developers. The artistic mass will invite more artistry from the region, ramping up content creation. Relatively rapid growth awaits, so long as Boston chooses the present reality. The invitation is not only a recommendation, but a duty to the growth of your city.