This shit's for the birds....

in blog •  7 years ago 

I very much dislike my day job.

A big part of the reason why is because this is what my clock reads after I've climbed out of bed and gotten my first cigarette of the day in...


Getting up this early makes getting 8 full hours of sleep a horrible joke. I would have to go to bed at 7pm to achieve that, and I've got two kids, so hahahahaha, jokes on me. On top of getting up so early, I work 10 hour shifts starting at 4am. Being finished with my work day at 2pm would be pretty nice if I were able to take a nap when I got off, but that's usually not doable because my son Carlin arrives at my house around 3:30 pm everyday.

This week is especially rough. Today makes day 3 of 7 in a row. Granted, I'll get a full week off when I'm finished, but I've gotta make it to thursday before that comes along. 😃

The time is now 3:46 am, and I'm sitting in the parking lot at Bo Jangles©, waiting for my boss to show up so we can start this wonderful Saturday.... My excitement is over-flowing, can't you tell?

As much as I hate waking up at 3am, I do what I've got to in order for my children to have a roof over their heads and food on the table, as any good father does. They are far more important than my sleep.

I was supposed to write another Fatherhood Friday post yesterday for @steemparents, and simply didn't have the time to make it happen. Sorry, #steemdads. I promise we'll have a big one next week.

I'll be hard at it for the next 10 hours, but drop me some love down in the comments, and I'll show some back on my smoke breaks.

Follow @thatsweeneyguy

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I am no father, and I doubt I will ever be. I have had a terrible time with relationships (those are MY horrible jokes) and now, at 25 I don't have any more time to be looking, I need to build my career. I have been working for the same place for 4 years and the greedy bastards don't give anyone raises unless you are a bug up a manager's behind. I bow to no one, so I don't get paid more. I do my work and bust my ass but nothing to show.
I seriously respect you for the hours you have to work, and for the reason you do: your sons. Props @thatsweeneyguy . keep your head up.

I detect if you weren't so busy, you could have elaborated on this post more about this same topic.

But it's odd of me to ask, considering you're without sleep, you woke up at 3am, and wrote this at 3:46am, so it's unfair of me to ask for more. :)

There is one single thing you're doing right now, that your kids will appreciate later...

Their father is working as hard as he can, while he is able to do it. Which may give them a work ethic later on in their life.

One day when they become adults, and they might have their own kids, they might ask you.

"Dad. I had to get up at 3am just to go to work. This is hard on me. Have you ever done that? Do you know what that feels like?"

At that point, you can smile, and pause for a moment, and explain "yes, I've done that.. I know exactly what that is like, and yes, I know how hard it is"

....not saying I wish for the same to happen to your kids... but if it does... you will be able to be there for them should it ever happen.

Being a hard working father is underappreciated now. By the time you've got a full head of grey hair and grandkids, you will be respected for it later.

P.S. Enjoy your smoke break. You're a good father.

Thanks for such a kind reply 😃 I just turned 30, and my head is already half grey 😂

I do everything I can for my boys, and if that means getting up before the sun does to earn a paycheck, that's what's going to happen.

And yes... I could go on and on about the subject of work...

I can’t imagen get up at the time I sometimes go to bed. Have a wonderful Saturday or least try from the sounds of it. I can only hope you guys your eyes set on bigger and better things for yourself down the road.

I certainly do. I hate my day job, but am far from lazy. I'm the kind of person who would rather have 16 side hustles than to work a dull ass job for someone else 😃

Hey Sween! Thanks for making time for us when you don't even have time for sleep! Good for you being a hard-working dad. I truly believe that if you commit yourself to finding more time in your life (meaning less hours working), eventually that reality will occur.

It may be a promotion that does it. It may be you striking it rich because STEEM goes to the moon... or maybe your kids or wife will become the source of resources, thereby allowing you to rest.

I wish you well, today and in your efforts to shed a job you hate and find a more peaceful life. God Bless!

Sounds like you have your priorities straight. Keep up the hard work and enjoy the little moments when you can. All the best.

As the saying goes, you can sleep when you're dead. Right now you're being a good, responsible father. Hang in there and take one day at a time.

Dear @thatsweeneyguy nice article
Great work

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Glad to see that you still have time to steem on!
I am up at 4:45am. I manage the shop so I have to be there to unlock and set up. I start work at 5:30 and work until 3:30pm. Good thing is that I can be home in time to get my son off of the school bus, so I dont have to pay for after school care. As you pointed out thr bad thing is no nap time! I often go to bed the same time as my 5 year old.

Darryl (@dadview) resides in Canada. Check out @steemparents or my Latest Blog