I'm stuck between a wall and fart clouds. 😤 Help.

in blog •  7 years ago 

I love my partner, I really do. We've been together just over a year now, just moved into our very own place together and life really couldnt be any better for us right now. So if were so happy, why does he piss me off you ask? His farting is out of control. Lemme explain

thats me and my baby 😍 I think we look pretty cute, what do you reckon?

I believe the key to a healthy, happy, loving relationship is communication, trust and truth. So when I say at times, I cant stand looking at him or speaking to him, I mean it with all the love in my heart ❤️ And I think thats healthy. Its the way you go about it. Like anyone, theres things you love, things you find quirky and things that get on your fucking nerves. There may not be many, but theres always one. You may not even know how to describe it but you know it fucks you off.

I dont know about any of your guys partners, females or males (I like to think females arent as annoying), but my partner does some weird shit and in particular he just farts waaay too much. 😤 Literally, I swear he maybe did like 50 farts within the space of 2 hours last night. what the fuck. Had them in sequences so after every group of say 7-8 hes bloody giggling like a little school girl. I'm over here like shut the fuck up go for a shit or something damn! giggle giggle 'oh sorry baby'. I know farting is natural but I also know 50 farts dont come out naturally.

And then hes laughing at me for getting annoyed and I hate when he laughs at me when I'm angry (and he bloody knows it) so that just boils the kettle. So I'm over here being hulk because hes just dropped a shit bunch of poop particles, probably the equivalent of an actual shit, under the blanket when I'm trying to sleep and I'm like na bitch, and he just keeps laughing. Yano, sometimes I just wana... I'll keep that one the myself I think haha

Eventually in time, we will look back on this and laugh both our heads off but that day has not come yet haha And apart from the little annoying things he does, he still is an amazing person, partner and bestfriend and definitely outweights pros to cons so I just gotta put up with the farts. But really 50?!

Lemme know what kind of things your partner does that drives you insane??

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We have a cast iron rule in our house - no farting in the same room as the other person. If you want to fart you have to go elsewhere.

Also look at what he is eating at night. Maybe give him some peppermint tea an hour before bedtime and it should calm him down a bit.

Haha oh thanks for the advice there @trevor.george I will keep that peppermint tea idea in mind. We did have chinese food for dinner lastnight so maybe that was the cause? haha

Ahahaa what a story ^^

Cheers @jimy74 😂 glad you enjoyed it! haha

Thats funny as hell, my ex tried to get me under the blanket whenever he had to fart, needless to say he only got me once! Im in your corner, make his ass sleep on the couch!

haha hi5 girlfrand!! thats just naaasty!! 😂

Life is just funny... Hi5

You're so pretty!

Oh wow, thats so niice! ☺️ Thanks hun xx