RE: Our Children Are Becoming Electrified Zombies.

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Our Children Are Becoming Electrified Zombies.

in blog •  8 years ago  (edited)

Excellent post ,I have been saying this for years but most people do not care ,I also believe there is a system behind the madness driving this addiction to gadgets and it pretty nefarious , while cloaking every new technology as being something good and "you just have to have it " it actually enslaves the individual just that much more and the results are detrimental to your health whether people want to admit it or not , just because it is sold as a convenience doesn't make it a good thing , the whole smart technology thing show just how stupid people have become yet they embrace it with open arms , there is a ton of research evidence that there are serious health concerns with smartphones and the technology behind them from physical to mental , same applies to smart meters , smart tv's ,computers smart refrigerators smart beds and the list goes on and on , tech giants disregard your personal safety to make a buck at every possible turn and will hire their own research staff to counter any negative feedback ,they want you addicted and dependent on their gadgets , and sadly enough way too many already are , take somebody's smart phone away their world crumbles , especially the younger generation , there's a reason why steve jobs didn't give his kids smart phones , the virtual world /society is a dream concept , a way to manipulate you physically and mentally and it does a fantastic job ,it keeps people away from reality which is where they should be, awake to their ever changing surroundings at all levels , the perfect distraction and the perfect control mechanism and if you can't afford it we will give you a phone free or two for one so you can give one to a loved one , it's madness that will eventually come back to haunt many .

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