How to Tone Your Lower Abdominals

in blog •  6 years ago 

While doing crunches and situps, it feels like the top portion of your abdominals gets all of the results of your hard work. Front planks, reverse crunches and bicycle crunches will tone your lower abdominals, and you will feel these muscles working as you work out. For best results, combine these strength-training exercises with a low-calorie diet and daily physical activity to burn fat from your stomach. Always consult your doctor before starting a new workout regimen.



  • Floor mat (optional)
  • Dumbbell (optional)


Step 1

Lie on your stomach with your elbows close to your sides and directly under your shoulders. Your palms should face the floor, and your fingers should face forward.

Step 2

Lift your body off the floor while keeping your back straight and your knees extended. Keep your shoulders positioned over your elbows. Your body weight should be balanced between your toes and forearms.

Step 3

Hold this position for eight seconds without holding your breath. Slowly lower your body back to the ground and repeat this move three times.


Step 1

Lie on your back with your knees bent and your arms resting on the floor to your sides. Lift your feet off the ground so your shinbones are parallel to the ceiling. Your head should be about one inch off the ground.

Step 2

Use your abdominal muscles to bring your knees toward your chin in a slow and controlled movement. Do not to extend your legs or swing your hips upward. Your knees should come about six inches away from your chin. Hold this position for two seconds.

Step 3

Return to your starting position so that your shinbone is parallel to the ceiling. Repeat this move for three sets of eight.


Step 1

Lie on the floor and rest your hands behind your head. Bend your knees and bring your feet off the floor. Your shins should be parallel to the ceiling.

Step 2

Twist your core and bring your left knee toward your chest and your right elbow toward your left knee. Simultaneously extend your right leg so it's about one foot off the ground.

Step 3

Twist your core in the opposite direction while bringing your left elbow to your right knee. Simultaneously extend your left leg and bring your right knee toward your chest. Continue in this pedaling motion and perform three full sets of eight repetitions.


  • If you have difficulties keeping the top half of your body on the ground during reverse crunches, you can hold a dumbbell behind your head to counter your weight. By slightly bending your extended leg during the bicycle, you can decrease the intensity of this workout. The more your leg is extended, the more difficult this move becomes. Breathe normally during all of these abdominal exercises.
  • Performing exercises incorrectly can result in an injury. Consult with a fitness professional to ensure you're performing exercises properly.

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