Do God's Bidding

in blog •  7 years ago 

One striking thing about God's dealing with man is that when he calls you to do something, your age is immaterial. You may be young like David, be in your middle age like Moses or may be old like Abram. When God calls you to do his service, he empowers you to do his bidding.

At age 75, Abram heard God's call (Gen. 12:1-2. It was in the process of obeying this call that Abram hit a low point, and was discouraged about the happenings in his life. Abram sat in one spot when he should be moving on in the power of his God. 'Get up, friend' God called out to him. "lift your eyes now and look from the place where you are northward, southward, eastward and westward, for all the land which you see I give them to you and your descendants forever".(Gen.13: 14-15).

When nothing seems to be moving Your way, remember God's call upon your life, remember where he promised to take you and tell yourself repeatedly "God is taking me somewhere ". It's what you can at that God gives you. See it, then you can have it. It doesn't matter whether other see things your way, it's what God shows you that matters. This year move forward with God and do what he wants you to do


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Amen, loved this article, I wish to have more faith!