in blog •  8 years ago 

Here's to those who are digitally distracted from reality. The narcissist who's worried about how they look or how people in the world see them. They go around w the fascist ax that, supporting corporations w their consumption and careers, borrowing money, gambling in their stock markets, hoping that everything's going to work out great for them in the end. And who cares what the global ramifications are, how much debt and death is spread, so long as they get their new cars, Ipad, and pizzaz. And all along they worship the new God, of the Federal Reserve, that controls our world.

And here's to those who think they're going to stay willfully ignorant of the above statement, refuse to take personal responsibility for their "actions" and ultimately get away with it...

"each human being has an integrity that xx can be hurt only x by the act of that x same human being and not by the act of another human being."

In other words, nobody can hurt you but yourself.

If you support EVIL and immoral institutions, banks, govt. and major corporations you may build some wealth, but in reality, you're only hurting yourself!

It may take a few years, maybe even your entire lives, but just as surely as the air you breath, you will get back what you put out.

"The poor man who commits such evil deeds injures his soul"

People have no idea what real true ideological Satanism is. One of the reasons Satanism uses the symbols and trapping of modern Christianity is to associate Satanism w the adversarial dynamic in nature, which is Satan in the Hebrew language.

The adversarial dynamic in nature is referred to in the occult world as "involution" the process which works against the true evolutionary force or the evolution of consciousness. Involution holds consciousness back and holds it in a state of slavery. The word Satan itself comes from the Hebrew word "Shin Tav final nun" and that word means adversary or opposer.

So again Satanism is the adversarial force, the force that works against true evolutionary consciousness. Satanism is ultimately about being opposed to the true order of natural law and natural law is the universal laws of morality, which govern the behavioral consequences of beings who are gifted w the capacity for holistic intelligence and free will. Meaning human beings! We are in that category of beings, therefore, natural law applies to us, the laws of morality applies to us. And ultimately what Satanism is, and what all Dark Occultism is fighting against is natural law, the true order. They want to turn that over on its head and set up their own so-called order, which its no such thing as order, it's chaos and slavery.

This is a paradigm that is not sustainable, much less morally acceptable.

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Some people are so poor all they have is money!

Another very well written post @trueawakening!

Thanks Tonyr for all your support, keep sharing!

What? You just said laws are evil so why would Satanist fight agains the natural law? Did I miss something? Going to reread everything.

Satanists or Dark Luciferians, which is what the ruling class is, want us to believe “mans law” will create order so its the highest thing we can obtain too. But that’s not true “natural law”and living within its boundaries is what creates order when we’re in harmony and balance with it.

The controllers of the world occulted natural law so we never really know the difference between true “right” and true “wrong” and through immoral and wrong behavior enslave ourselves.

I call natural law behavior consequential laws because these are the laws that govern our behavior.

Natural law are principles that exist in nature. And we either accept them and come into harmony w them, or we reject them and bad things happen, and it will continue that way until we make a different choice.