Rain or shine, we have a good time!

in blog •  6 years ago  (edited)

Today was the day of one of the biggest festivals in our town...unfortunately...it was also a day full of torrential downpours! Honestly...there hasn’t been a worse day for weather in a long time...not only did it rain...but, it was an all day occurrence!
We had planned for rain, but we didn’t quite prepare for the amount of precipitation that was falling outside!
I got the boys dressed...and was starting to get ready myself...when my husband informed me that it was just too wet...and the rain was too cold (which I have to say, I disagreed with).
The boys and I really had our hearts set on going...we didn’t really care about a little water...so my husband and I started brainstorming! He came up with an idea! It was a cover for our wagon that would, presumably, keep the boys dry and warm!
After an hour and a half or so outside...some piping, screws, and a tarp...and his invention was complete!

It worked really well! We made it all the way down to the festival...and walked around a little before the boys insisted on getting out! So much for keeping them dry! Lol. They were jumping in every puddle they could find (and there were lots of puddles!) They had more fun than they usually have when it’s nice and sunny!
The rain actually kept the temperatures cool and the crowds at bay! This place is usually shouder to shoulder crowded...and it takes FOREVER to get food! This wasn’t the case today. We got a couple raw oysters shooters! They’re quite delicious! The boys had French fries and ice cream! We also had some coconut shrimp! We were in and out of the lines in just a few minutes...it was great!
Sure we got a little wet (a lot wet) but, we brought extra clothes for the boys...and we didn’t melt! Lol.
After we got home...and gave both boys baths...it’s a light dinner and then off to bed! Tomorrow is only supposed to be “partly cloudy”, so we’ll probably venture out again! I can’t wait to see what the day has in store!

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I took the children dressed... and began to prepare myself... when my husband informed me that I was too wet... and that the rain was too cold (I have to say, I was not okay with that).....

lol we women manage to capture the hidden messages in husbands..
I love the idea, they managed to get the kids to have an original transportation and not miss the fun, for sure they arrived home more than happy, it's amazing, how parents do a thousand things to keep them healthy and happy, I hope you enjoy tomorrow!

I know! My husband is really handy when he wants to be! Lol. We got compliments on their ride! I was kind of wishing I had one too! We got pretty wet!

nice baby i have only one IMG_20180428_161651.jpg

You have an adorable child!

Two happy little soldiers.
Enjoy your weekend and creative works.

Thank you! It was a great weekend! We made the most of it...both days!

Hey @twoturtletots

It such a shame when a big event comes around and then the weather lets you down. It looks like you made the most of it though and your boys looked as though they had a brilliant time and it was one big adventure.

A great bit of handy work for the truck by the way.


Thanks! Yeah...it worked out perfectly! Luckily it was a warm springtime rain...it didn’t really bother us!

Rain and warm I can deal with! 😃

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hey,,@twoturtletots,,It is very nice to have this baby, because mother is quite safe, so happy smile.

Thank you much!