"There are ghosts here." - conversation with a stranger

in blog •  7 years ago  (edited)

Yesterday I had a really strange conversation with a random stranger, that I would like to share with you, cause I can’t stop thinking about it..

So I was sitting in the subway..
..hearing a podcast about how humans raised the population of whooping cranes from 5 to 500 (was interesting, because it lead [or at least it’s possible that this is the reason why] to the consequence that the new born cranes abandoned their babys before they even hatched..).

Then there was this man, about 45 years old I think, and he was happily "jumping" from right to left, from left to right.., smiled and laughed and seemed happy, but a bit nervous. I watched him from the other end of the wagon.

I don’t know why, but some moments later he decided to take place at the seat in front of me (although there were many other free seats elsewhere). And began to say something. I stopped my podcast to hear what he has got to say.
The conversation then was something like this:

He: “there are ghosts here.”

Me: “what kind of ghosts?”

He: “ghosts. Everywhere. Have you seen them?”

Me: “never met a ghost.”

He: “they are inside each of us. Have you got killed anytime before?”

Me: “no. I’m alive at least.. so.. I don’t think so”

He: “that’s where the ghosts come from. Take care, they're doing evil things”

Me: “things like what?”

he takes some seconds to think about it, and then answered “there’s something brewing up in this city.”

Me: “haven’t noticed. What’s going on?”

He: “I can’t tell you. But it’s changing.”

Me: “Hmm.”

he looks to the other girl next to me, asking her: “do you notice the ghosts?”

She decided to act like she was not hearing him (or really wasn’t noticing him, but I don’t think so). Looking at her phone.

He: “I hate when someone doesn’t react to what I say.”
he watched his own mirroring in the window. “Isn’t it weird that we just always see ourselves, but never the ghosts inside of us?”

Until this point, everything was okay for me, thought he was maybe talking about the own mind as a ghost or something.. But then things got a little crazy. I wanted to put my headphone on again, as he continued to tell what he was thinking about.

“I feel this ghost in you. If the ghost suffers, you will suffer too. You feel the pain?”

Me: “No. I’m fine, thanks”

He: “Really? I don’t think so. I think you’re suffering. Don’t try to hide.”

Me: “I’m really fine, why should I suffer?”

He: “Cause you’ve adopted my strength." he moves his arms like he was praying to the sun
My ghost is inside you now.”

I just giggled a bit, really didn’t know what to answer..
Another girl passed by, offered me to leave the subway with her now. The next station was my station, so I decided to stay and decline her offer thankfully.
She really tried to get me out of this situation and repeated about 3 times, that she is leaving now too, and that I could join her.

As I’m talking to this men, many of the other people in the same wagon turned around and watched us talking. Felt very strange to be under observation by all of this people.

He: "You understand?" As soon as I'm not here anymore, you will suffer."

Me: "No.."

He: "Of course not. You know why? Cause you are blond. Blond is stupid. I am the "Führer". The "Führer" wanted blondes because they are aryan and stupid. Have you been killed? No? Take care!"

..don't know how to feel about that - my station came and I left the subway. He then shouted things like "yeah, run, it's okay, you don't have to be here. Remember the ghosts."

After that, I was lost in the crowd of the trainstation again. With a fuzzy head.

...what do you think about all of that? Was he joking? or cursing me? Just crazy? Need some opinions guys!

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Interesting tale into the depths of human psychology. It sounds to me like perhaps he is schizophrenic, or has some sort of mental issue. The question is, does that invalidate what he was saying about the ghosts within us? Spoooooky....

sometimes I wonder if people like him are maybe just able to see things that we are not able to se... and everybody calls them crazy or "ill" because we can't believe things that we can't imagine as true.. ;)

i would say he had a mental issue but when everyone spouts out nonsense each person try to find some ''validity'' or ''meaning'' to those words. for example the ghost inside us, he could literally mean it and would be really cool if it was a book or a manga :p but as you, me and everyone would interpret it to ''our inner demons'' etc etc

That's a funny and creepy story, my little sister! ^_^ The world out there can be strange...

what the heck, das ist so bizarr. Musstest du nachher noch viel an die konversation denken? Ich kann mir das gespräch so gut vorstellen; in unseren ubahnen befinden sich auch immer so komische leute und versuchen anderen ihre weisheiten zu verklickern

den Tag über ja - mittlerweile nicht mehr so, weil immer wieder was neues ins Leben kommt was einen dann den ganzen Tag beschäftigt.. :D
ich bin solche Gespräche ja eigentlich gewohnt, aus meinem freiwilligen sozialen Jahr (gott kamen da viele komische Gedanken zusammen.. da könnte man nen ganzes Buch drüber schreiben, was da alles passiert ist).. aber nun nach 1,5 Jahren Pause und quasi außerhalb des Jobs wieder auf sowas zu stoßen (vorher bin ich extra darauf zugegangen), war schon merkwürdig. Aber eben auch interessant - mal andere Sichtweisen als die, die so ein Normalbürger so an den Tag legt.. :D