S.O.S venezuela

in blog •  7 years ago 

Hello friends.

For me it is a pleasure to greet you again.

Today I will leave a bit of my category of daily publication that I want to write about a very controversial and important issue for many; As it is, the serious crisis that my beloved country Venezuela is experiencing, a topic that in other social networks that have been numerous people who ask me about it.

Before starting, I would like to know that the analysis I will do, is about my criteria and based on my perception, including only writing about the social issue, well clarified this.

In Venezuela, we are currently experiencing the worst political, social, cultural and economic moments in the history of the nation, due to the bad economic policies that were intentionally adopted by the government to generate shortages, hyperinflation and crisis humanitarian to the extreme, such a point that the levels of impoverishment exceed 80% of the population.

With tears in my eyes I observe how every day, because of the high cost of food and the low purchasing power of the average citizen, there are more Venezuelans who have the only option to eat trash; this without taking into account the great evil they are doing to their organism, something that endangers all our compatriots since with such low health measures we will be prone, in the medium term, to a lethal epidemic.

The government takes advantage of the situation to sell at a subsidized price, a small number of food to the population, in order to keep them submissive to the classic socialist strategy and every time the population takes to the streets to protest, it cuts the networks of supply and increases shortages in my nation; a measure that in my opinion is a vile violation of human rights.

On the other hand we have a big problem at the health level, where the cost of it has become one of the most expensive luxuries in Venezuela, both at the level of health centers and medicines, to such an extent that the income recognized as salary minimum integral, does not represent a quarter of what is required to address a common ailment such as a cold, without leaving aside the most serious cases such as ontological, renal, cardiac patients, etc, that day by day they are dying in alarming numbers since there is no way to pay for these treatments and the state simply ignores them.

These are the two points that I consider most serious in this situation that we live on a daily basis and then you wonder why civil society does not go out to claim their rights? It is well known worldwide that the protests in Venezuela were in a time numerous and hot but the tyranny that governs us used two large groups to exercise fear through violence and murder, these are:

  1. The collectives: they are paramilitary groups financed by the government that are worth saying, they are very well armed, these groups have full impunity to commit acts of terrorism against civil society and thus silence the clamor for freedom of the people, these have demonstrated that they will defend the government by force as many times as necessary, regardless of the losses that this generates among the inhabitants.

  1. Armed and police forces: especially we have the Bolivarian National Guard and the Bolivarian National Police, which have become the executing arm of this tyranny in relation to silencing the masses, instilling fear with murders, aggressions, excessive use of force , arrests in inhumane conditions among others.
    In this total lack of control also has the participation of the judiciary through the complicity of the supreme court of justice, an entity that beyond enforcing the constitution and the laws in favor of the Venezuelans and for the Venezuelans, has been given the task of fully satisfying the petitions of the pro-government leaders to such an extent that a vulnerability of the unprecedented rights in the nation has been generated.

Well friends, as I said at the beginning, this is my impression of the crisis situation and why we continue to hold it in Venezuela, I do not elaborate on political issues, I only explain the detail of the unpleasant situation that we live every day.

I hope it is to your liking and remember Venezuela will be free again, DO NOT LEAVE US ALONE PLEASE ...

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